Tour + The butterfly

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Y/n: Your name

L/n: Last name

Y/h: Your height

H/c: hair color

H/l: hair length

S/c: skin color

E/c: eye color


Wednesdays POV

Enid was now giving me a tour of this school, she opened the double doors in front of us as we entered what looks like a pentagon. "Welcome to the quad!!" Enid said. "It's a pentagon." I replied as a matter of fact. "Well Nevermore has different rules than normal school does, I'll fill you in." We started walking on the sidewalk as Enid was explaining the rules and the types of monsters/outcasts there are. But I didn't pay attention to what she was saying, instead my attention was on a small black butterfly fluttering around a girl.

The butterfly soon fluttered towards me without anyone noticing. It started to flutter around me then settle on my shoulder, lightly fluttering its wings. Up close I could tell it's a Mourning Cloak. "Oh! You have a little friend with you!" I guess Enid had noticed the mourning cloak on my shoulder, "Actually, that butterfly looks familiar..." Enid said as she looked at the Mourning cloak closer...

The mourning cloak then fluttered back to the girl before. As I look at her longer, I noticed she had h/l h/c hair, s/c skin, and she seemed to be y/h, basically (taller, shorter, etc.) than me. She turned her head in mine and Enid's direction, we both made eye contact, I was able to make out e/c eyes.

"Who is she?" I had asked Enid without breaking eye contact with the girl. "That's Y/n, she barely talks to anyone and mostly stays away from people, well except Eugene, which I assume are friends since she doesn't talk to anyone else." Enid explained. '.... Interesting...' I thought

(A/n: Chapter two done!! sorry for any grammar mistakes, (Writing is not my strong point T-T) but hoped you enjoyed, and see you in the next Chapter!!!!)

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