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I'm back bishess. If you didn't look or you don't read my other story 

Me: I will be writing people talking like this until I can figure out why my quotation button won't work

Unless you guys know what, the problem is, plz put it down in the comments Thank you.

NOW ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday POV

It has been a few days since I had properly talked the Y/n instead of just staring at her, and a few days after I had a run in about Xavier being the monster since I had gone to his art shed and saw paintings of the monster and it had my suspicion on him. 

But during the past few days, Y/n has been helping me with this mystery and have been getting close to eachother. Besides that, I had decided to go with Eugene to the cave I found to investigate it, but Thing decided it was a good idea to write a letter to Tyler to come to the dance with me.......... Great, just great......... Now I have to go to this stupid dance and waste my time.

Y/n Pov

I wish to die right now, why??? Cause somehow Ajax and Kent both convinced me to go to the dance, I don't know how they convinced me..... but it worked.

Now here I am standing with Kent talking about whatever, until Admiral had fluttered in mine and Kents face.

Kent: Chill out little dude, what's up??

Y/n: What's the matter???

Admiral had fluttered in a direction telling me to follow him.

Y/n: Hey, I'm going to see what has gotten Admiral riled up.

Kent: Go ahead, let me know what the problem was.

Kent slightly yelled the last part as I followed Admiral.

I didn't know where he was taking me until he fluttered towards a black dress girl standing in the middle of a circle with someone........ Wednesday and Tyler.............

I was confused on why Wednesday was here, she had told me that she and Eugene were going to check out a cave to see if it was the monsters lair. But here she is, in a beautiful black long dress dancing what seemed to be a type of goth seduction dance she told me she learned a while back.

I had noticed Admiral fluttering around her the whole time she danced, and she looked beautiful. But seeing her with Tyler made my heart clench with hurt... Was I.... Jealous?????

Wednesday POV 

I was dancing to Goo Goo Muck that was playing. While dancing, I had noticed Admiral fluttering around me the whole time

Wednesday: Wait, if he's here, does that mean Y/n is here as well? (This mean someone is thinking btw)

I had moved my eyes across the room and had noticed a person wearing a white dress/suit standing watching me. (You guys can decide if you want to wear a dress or suit, personally Id pick suit since dresses are uncomfortable for me. raise a hand if you agree)

I looked at their face and realized it was Y/n. I had told them I was going to the cave with Eugene, but here I am standing infront of Tyler, while I looked at Y/n, as they seem to have a look of shock and slight betrayal. 

Honestly, that made me......... sad............ All I did was look at her as she sprinted away with Admiral fluttering behind them.... I wanted to go after her but...... I didnt....... and I wish I did.......


That is it. Im not going to write the bloodshed scene since Im to lazy for that ;-;...........................

BUUTTTT if you enjoyed im glad, and I will either post later today or tomorrow.... probably tomorrow but THATS IT THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!BYEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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