The End?

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3rd POV

It has been a week since the attack. Wednesday was lucky the arrow had missed her heart. Enid only had three scars across her face due to her healing power when she wolfed out so she is fine. Y/n was a little sad about the loss of her mourning cloak companion but knew he was in a better place.

Weems decided to end the semester short due to the attack so everyone can heal and so she can find a new botanist teacher.

Enid and Wednesday were in their dorm as Y/n was in hers packing. Wednesday was writing her novel as Enid was texting Ajax and barely paying any attention to packing, and Y/n was making a little something for Wednesday before they leave for home.

Enid then left the room for her date with Ajax as Wednesday still continued her novel. Suddenly a knock came at the door interrupting her typing. ''Come in.'' She said as the person known as Y/n.

Wednesday turned fully in her chair as her attention went to her. ''Hey.'' She said, ''Hello.'' Wednesday replied. 

''I was checking if you are alright. You know from the uh.'' Y/n gestured to the wound. ''I am alright. It hurts every once in a while but nothing I can't handle.'' Wednesday told the girl. ''Uh, good, good. Uhm. God I'm awkward.'' Y/n muttered to herself. Wednesday wanted to help her nerves so she got up from her chair sitting on her bed before gesturing Y/n to sit next to her. 

Y/n did, but didn't make any eye contact as Wednesday stared straight at her. ''How are you?'' Y/n was caught off guard by the question but answered anyways. ''I'm ok. still a little upset about Admirals passing but, I know he wouldn't want me to be sad for him.'' Wednesday nodded at her words as they looked at eachother with such love.

''Wednesday. There is something I need to tell you.'' Y/n turned her body towards the goth girl, getting her full attention. Y/n breathed in and out before talking, ''These past months of knowing you, and being around you, spending time with you, I have gained an emotion that I thought I wouldn't feel at all until I met you. And Wednesday, I had realized that, I love you Wednesday. I really love you. I like being near you, around you, hearing you talk, seeing you, and most importantly, you being you. And I wanted to tell you this before I decided to be a pussy and keep this feeling to myself. So Wednesday, will you be my girlfriend?''

Wednesday at this point was a blushing mess from Y/ns words. She feels touched by her confession, and to be honest, she feels the exact same. So she did the unthinkable and kissed Y/n as her answer.

Y/n kissed back putting her hand on Wednesdays waist as the goth put her hands on the h/c haired females face.

They continued to kiss only pulling away for air every once in a while. They felt at home with eachother, they felt safe, they felt eachother love.

Without them knowing Goody and A/n watched with a smile, being able to reunite after thousands of years of being apart. They looked at eachother smiling before sharing a passionate kiss.


Wednesday was sitting in the Addams limo on her way home. She was looking at her new phone learning how to work it changing some things to her liking, like message contacts, wallpaper, etc. 

Her attention turned towards the bag Y/n gave her before she left to go visit her mother to hopefully get a bond again after years.  

She looked and saw a crocheted scorpion that looked almost identical to her deceased pet, Nero. (I'm sorry if you don't crochet, I do and I thought it would be cute to add it in a little 0u0)

She softly smiled before holding it close to her chest lovingly. She already missed Y/n, after they had kissed the second time, she didn't want to ever stop but, she didn't want to have swollen lips for weeks. 

Wednesdays POV

 I then got a text on my new phone under the name 'Cara Mia🖤'. (I found a way to put emojis from my computer 😁)

I clicked on the message as it read, 'Hope you have a safe trip home my black dahlia, I love you🖤' along with a picture of us smiling, yes even me.

I smiled replying back, 'I will cara mia, I love you too🖤.' I smiled looking out the window hugging my new Nero plushie. 'I love her.'



I'm gonna be honest I almost discontinued this but then I'm like,,, nah And Now IT'S FINISHED!!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this book and thank you for your patience and support. See you in future books!!

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