The witch and planing

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as they walk forward slightly before the younger ones rushed to the window that was filled with candy grabbing hand fulls.phoneix walks up behind them but something in her gut was telling her to run as she looked around.

When all of a sudden a big pink wooden door with black hinges opened causeing to an elderly women I'm dress with a whit sweater through and black and yellow stocks with short heels that cleek with a hat as a smile was present on her face.

Two and one teenage very hungry children are feasting on my house."she says as she uses her walking stick to see where they are.the three siblings share a look before phoneix stepped up seeing that her siblings were alittle scared"were sorry mam we didn't know it was your house"that bad feeling was getting worse.

The elder woman just laughed waving it it off"oh none sense now let's see I might not be able to see y'all but I can hear and ...y'all. alittle boy, alittle girl and a Young teenage girl"the older women explains but phoneix notice something strange with the way she said she can smell she knew she would need to keep an eye on her"what are your names"the blind women ask so phoneix took lead"I'm phoneix there older sister and this Hansel and this is Gretel"phoneix introduced before the elder women was going back inside to get a basket of treats for the kids and brings it back out sitting it on the ground."there's lots more we're this comes from"Hansel and Gretel rushed to the basket as phoneix keeps a close eyes on them and the elder women.

But as soon as they go to get sweets out the basket the elder women grabs there hands making phoneix tense as she goes forward to make her let go when her hand is grabbed as well"oh y'all are all skin and bone"she slightly chuckles before bringing her hand to her face as she sniffs before tasting her hand.then she gets up grabbing the basket before heading into the candy house "here come inside.theres lots more to eat."she says disappearing behind the door leaving the three siblings on the stone steps with the pink wooden door wide open with black hinges. While the two young ones can sorts themselves Phoenix is seen looking out in the distance hoping that sandman or the faeries we're okay after that storm she has to find each other soon before hearing her younger siblings call her name and she walks inside the door closes behind her.

To the inside of the house is showing with the siblings in front of the door to the left a giant gumball machine is seen and on the right many decorations made of candy as they walk along the checkered pattern floor passing by many giant sweets such as candy canes. But different types of food the first shown is a cut ham with pineapples and cherries on as the knife is in it after being cut with many case cupcakes and fruits all around it. Another flesh is shown with a tray of different types of ham cheese lettuce Burger meats with cookies synonyms skills crunch bars and anything you can imagine on the table. Another flash is shown showing a chocolate covered cake with a white ring frosting with cherries three of them in the middle and two glass jars filled with candy. Another flash is showing some more sweets either will look like to be a pie or cake with two chocolate shakes and some berries in a bowl. Another flash is shown showing up high with a tray of brownies cookies another traditional oranges peaches and apples they were so many flashes as more food appears showing variety as the siblings looking with what I seen all this food.

Doing the whole inside house is shown with walls covered and candy or is made of candy and sweets colorful glass windows a giant milkshake a couple of candy lamps multiple giant candy canes a squiggly lamp a white ice cream cone a breakdown fireplace with a picture of a hot dog above it almost looks real with more candy canes before showing a long table filled with all kinds of food sweets sandwiches basically anything you can think of as the older woman holds her hands showing with her walking stick and she shows them the food she has for them.

The siblings share a look before they walked the table Hansel and Gretel start digging in while Phoenix was more cautious as she only took a few bites here and there as the woman watches them with beady eyes"I love to hear children eating it makes me so-oh ! Is it getting hot in here?"chuckles as she sits down fanning herself the younger children are too busy looking at the food to notice what she said but Phoenix didn't she narrowed her eyes at the woman when she wasn't looking that bad feeling it worse as soon as they can she was getting them out of this house there's something wasn't right here.

All that went on in a different part of the forest saying man is seen looking for the group but doesn't see them anywhere as it calls out before saying to glowing green orbs stuck on our branch before he moves it in the orbs turn into the faerie siblings. Once everything was sorted out that immediately call out for the siblings not seeing them where they were worried and panicking.

Another part of the forest broom is seen sitting in the trolls recliner relaxed and pampered as her hair is freshly did in low pink pills tied with bows and she's seen holding a martini glass with some drinking it as she is watching TV as the troll is cleaning the diner. And she was bouncing around the troll he walks in he was wearing a pink outfit with pink apron as if he was in me.

Back to the three siblings in the candy house at the table is seen missing so much food that was eaten by the two younger ones they grown from having full bellies from eating so much Phoenix looks at them worried."are you guys okay"she asked worried crunching down between them placing her hands on her arms looking at them with so much worry they just grown not being able to move much. The older woman comes around trying to give them some more treats something called wait for thin mints but Phoenix pushes her hand away gently as if to the dclient they didn't need any more to eat but a shiver went down her back as soon as she touched the woman she knew she had to get him out of the house this one was evil.

"No we're full up"Hansel and Gretel Sayed is there shown looking miserable with with cream and sweets still on their face from digging into the food. Woman looks disappointed with Phoenix noticed before she stood up"been nice meeting you man and thank you for the food but we really should be going"Phoenix tells her politely going to help her younger siblings out the chair but while her back was turned she didn't notice the glare the woman gave her before the woman puts on the fake smile not that the little siblings noticed."well, of course you must go. But the forest is no place at night for three children two small and one slight medium, what's with trolls and wolves and all manner of creatures out there, roaming the coal, dark unknown but you know best"the older woman says starting off very gloomy with a far off looking her eyes before putting on a cheery face while Phoenix was helping her siblings wipe off the stuff off their face Phoenix wasn't stupid she know that she was bad she was trying to get as fast as I can but the siblings couldn't put two and two together.

After a lot of bribery about her having beds and stuff the siblings immediately agreed by Phoenix who looked worried before, well I plan as soon as it was dark she was getting them out of there but not everything goes according to plan.

After the older woman has blown out the candles it was officially night time while the two young or sleep in Phoenix slowly gets her her bed going to wake up her younger children so they can get out of here but was stopped when a harsh grip was on her arm making her turn fast scene the woman from earlier but she was dressed more darker then the Cherry woman from before she knew she was right as she struggled to get out the woman's grip"I don't think so girly I waited so long to get y'all here my next meals and I'm not going to let you ruin it so we're just going to have to make you stay put until it's feeding time"the older woman hisses in her ear as she pulls the girl to hurt her hands behind her back and leading her to a different part of the house to keep her still in quiet before everything goes black.

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