52: Your Father

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Thursday arrived after much anticipation. She shifted, seating in the old brown chair in her stepfather's living room while she waited for the woman of the house to arrive.

She tapped her fingers against the wooden arm rest, ignoring the tornado in her stomach. Anger had fuelled her bravery the last time but now, she would fly out of her seat if she so much as thought her step father was in the next street.

But she was here on her mother's request. And that had to count for something.

The main door opened and Romola squeezed into the chair until she could barely tell where the chair ended and where her back began. Small feet, in black open toe sandals, stepped into the living room and shut the door behind them. The small dark figure took the shape of a young girl as Romola fingers curled around the headrest.

"Lolade," She whispered.

The girl looked towards her then jumped on her laps. "Sister Romola."

"Ssh!" Romola whispered, looking around.

The old man could manifest from anywhere. He seemed to have lighter footsteps after alcohol had clouded his head.

The younger girl flung her arms around Romola's shoulders. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

"It's a surprise. How are you?"

Lolade pouted, folding her arms. "I am not fine oh."

"What happened?"

"Is it not mummy and daddy? Everything, fight. Every time, fight."

"It can't be that bad."

"Because you are not here. Me I don't like doing messenger work. Mummy will send me to daddy. Daddy will send me to mummy. Both for them will be shouting at me." Lolade took off one sandal. She dumped it at the foot of the chair and reached for the other one. "Every time, fight. When will you come and take me away?"

"Lola, there is nothing wrong with this house."

"Then why doesn't sister Sunbo stay in it? She's always running away with her friends. You too. When you were in Uni."

"That's different. I had to stay in school because I was studying. Where is Sunbo?"

"I don't know." Lolade shrugged. "I don't even know if she will come back this week."

Their mother leaped into living room from the bedroom bearing a fresh bruise under her left eye. She screamed, "Lolade, go and remove your school uniform right now."

Lolade scampered, picking her sandals on the way out.

Their mother shook her head. "I can't find what I was looking for."

"Oh, that's fine." Romola smiled, standing and turning to the door. This was the perfect time to leave.

"Come and help me look for it."

An invitation to assist her mother. What was happening with the woman? She turned and stared at the woman squarely in the face.


"Are you now deaf?" The older woman led the way into the room.

Romola followed, coming upon a room with clothes on every surface. Her mother closed the door, then reached under the bed to grab a box.

"What are you looking for?"

"I will know when I find it."

Romola stopped an eye roll. How was she to help the woman when the woman insisted that she didn't know what she looking for? Romola hung around, staring for a few minutes before she picked up the clothes closest to the door and began to fold them.

Scars (Romola 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz