88: Whirlpool

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Olumide paced in front of the hospital, awaiting the arrival of Shederach, his donor, or Yetunde's father. Whichever arrived first.

Within him a war waged. How was he to trust Romola on her quest for the truth? What truth?

His heart bled for Yetunde. He couldn't imagine the trauma of her reconnecting with her rapist. Was this Romola's big comeback? Her revenge was to traumatize Yetunde one more time.

When he'd said that Modupe didn't deserve to be punished for Yetunde's sins, this wasn't the idea he had in mind. Romola's heart was far darker than he thought. Maybe she was so far gone in despair and anger that nothing but an act of justice could bring her back.

But this wasn't justice. The idiot who had defiled Yetunde would be getting a few minutes of freedom instead of remaining locked in the cell where he deserved to rot to death. There was nothing anyone could say now. The criminal was on his way.

From the reception, through the transparent glass overlooking the car park, Olumide recognized a slim fair man hurrying towards him. Shederach.

"Come on. Hurry up." Olumide said, walking into the deeper parts of the hospital.

"The hold up ehn. The Okada nearly entered the canal because he was looking for a shortcut." Shederach shook hands with him.

"No time." Olumide stormed down the hallway and Shederach followed.

He opened the door to Romola's room. The nurse sealed off a bag of blood. Another bag, almost full, was attached to Romola through a syringe in her hand. The nurse dropped the first bag in her medical box and pulled out an empty bag.

"That's enough." Olumide yelled from the door.

The nurse stared up, looking as if she had been caught stealing something.

"We need the blood for-"

"Another donor is here."

Shedrach came out from behind him and walked towards Romola. "Is this the girl that needs blood?"

"No." Olumide joined Shederach.

She wasn't the one who needed help but by her paleness and her stillness, she would soon need blood.

"You can see how rare this blood is. If we had extra, we could-" The nurse started.

"I said that's enough." Olumide glared at the nurse.

She sucked in the sides of her cheeks and began to remove Romola's syringe while mumbling some not-so-nice words.

"What happened to her? So much blood on her shirt." Shederach pointed.

"Just focus on giving your blood." Olumide replied.

"I'll have to test him first." The nurse motioned for Shederach to go around the bed.

"Test away. I don't smoke or drink. I exercise and eat healthy. I think I'm good."

"You'd be surprised." The nurse said.

Olumide stared around the room for the young man that had challenged him when he'd tried to comfort Romola. The man sat in a corner dressed in his hole ridden singlet and sagging trousers, staring dully at the wall.

"You? Why didn't you stop the nurse on time?"

The man- he barely looked like a man- didn't even look at him. "Shey, I look like someone that is studying medicine?"

Olumide turned back to Romola, even as the nurse rose to meet Shederach. Her chest rose and fell slowly. It was just like time she spent in the hospital in a coma.


She stirred, moaning but she didn't open her eyes. What if the greedy nurse's choice of taking more blood negatively affected Romola the same way Yetunde's drugs had messed with her brain. He hated hospitals and that was a fact.

"Romola?" He spoke a little louder.

Her eyelids flew open but she remained on the bed, her voice a hoarse light whisper. "Is he here yet?"

His phone rang in his pocket but he refused to pick it up. "It doesn't matter. You don't have to go back there. Rest."

"No. No." There were tears in her eyes. "I won't forgive myself if I don't do this."

"You need to rest."

"Olumide, please."

"I can't let you hurt yourself anymore."

She pressed her lips in a firm line as she swung her foot over the bed and sat up. She tried to stand but her legs gave way. He held her to himself before she could crash and hit her head against the bed frame.

"You're always so stubborn.."

"Will you help me or not?" She frowned, the last of her words almost lost in the fade of her voice.

But it wasn't about the strength of her words. It was the determination in her eyes. With or without him, she would carry out the whirlpool of her plan and he would either follow along or be swept along in the wreck of its destruction.

"What exactly do you need me to do?"

"Just take me there when he gets here. As soon as he gets here."

"I'll do that."

"Sir, please get her something to eat." The nurse said.

Olumide walked to the young man again, sticking his hands into his pocket and pulling out some naira notes.

He tossed the notes in the man's face. "Quickly. Make yourself useful."

The man stared at him like he would sling a punch any moment.

"Jide, please. I need it." Romola said.

That softened the man's gaze and he walked away without another word.

Olumide sat beside Romola, taking her head in his laps and stroking her hair.

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