65: Dirty Rag

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Monday was uneventful. Well, it was mostly filled with Sekemi complaining about every little thing Romola did, especially since there was a new girl in Iya Tobi's store. One who looked at Sekemi like she was a God. Romola didn't care. She didn't want to be here, but since Mr. Joseph had said he was not going to be his office today, she'd decided to pass time by dwelling in the basin of Mr. Ola's knowledge but so far, none of what the man had said was useful. She had learnt more than that with Miss Oyama's accountant.

So, she settled for wiping down the counter with a small rag. She moved her hands in round motion as she dwelt on all that had happened this past week. None of it was her fault. She didn't want to stand in front, yet they forced her. Maybe Victoria had known Olumide would propose and that was why she had asked her to come. Was that what it was? A game? A method of humiliation? Was that Olumide's sick way of getting back at her?

But getting back at her for what? She hadn't done anything to him. If anything, by his position in Pillard, she already knew she would be denied the job. Was that not enough?

A hand grabbed hers and pried the rag out of her hand. "What are you doing?"

She stared at Sekemi with a frown on her face. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"It looks like you are wasting time here. Wunmi and I already cleaned that."

"Well, you didn't do a good enough job." Romola said.

"Me?" Sekemi pointed at herself with the rag before dangling it in Romola's face. "Before you accuse me, you should look at yourself. I mean, see how dirty this thing is. Is this your towel?"

"Are you mad?" Romola stepped away from the counter. "You are crossing your limits."

I don't know why you came here. I thought you quit last week Saturday."

"I didn't." Romola said though clenched teeth.

After returning from Victoria's wedding. Romola didn't have the strength to come back to work. In truth, she didn't want to face Sekemi after their last fight. Now, this Tuesday morning, Sekemi wanted to start another fight.

"Well, you should've. You're not needed here. Wunmi and I can handle everything."

"Really?" Romola raised a brow. "Wunmi, that just got here. What does she know?"

"She knows how to do what I say and that's enough."

"Well, I'm not a robot." Romola folded her arms. "Or your slave. Why would I even take any advice from you?"

"Because you are an idiot."

Romola's jaw dropped open. She'd kept her cool around Sekemi. Even with all the insults hurled her way. Even when Sunbo tried to rile her up but now, she could see it. Sekemi was bad news. Terrible news. The worst news.

"What gives you the right to say that to me?"

"Do you think I don't know your story? Iya Tobi told me everything before she hired me—"

Romola's inside stirred and shook.

"—Of how you go around sleeping with men. Begging for money. And even after she hired you. That seems to be the only thing you are good at."

Romola's leg parted as she held them firmly in the ground, "You have no right to say that to me."

"It's the truth. You have no morals. No standard. After all that Iya Tobi had done for you, you went as low as trying to seduce her husband."

Romola's hand landed against Sekemi's dark cheeks, in two quick successions before she realized what she had done. She stepped back, but her anger did not dissipate even as Sekemi's hand rose to her face. Even as the girl started to cry and staff, as well as customers, started to gather.

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