82: Rejected

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"Ouch..." Romola winced.

"Sorry. Just relax. It's only a little blood." The nurse said.

It was the same nurse that had tried to draw her blood for Sunbo's treatment. Nothing about what she was doing felt ideal but she tried to comfort herself with the thought that she was saving someone's life. That had to count for something right. For some kind of goodness to quell all the failures of today. Maybe if she'd begged Iya Tobi a little harder....


"What?" She leaned towards the nurse.

"Squeeze your palms harder."

Romola did as she was told and the nurse smacked the skin on her hand. If she were as fair as Sunbo, she would have reddened at that action. She sniffed as her eyes watered bringing tears to the once dry patch of white land.

"Who does she think she is sef? Is she the only one on the planet. Just because we are asking for a little blood. Just wait till Ayo comes." A woman shouted in passing.

The voice sounded familiar but Romola tried to tune it out as she squeezed her eyes. The voice did not go away. Neither did the sight of Sunbo’s face after the matchete had hit disappear from behind her eyes.

Her eyes flew open at the sound of Olumide’s voice. "Yetunde, where are you going? They said she is in here."

"Aren't you supposed to be leading me?”

Romola squeezed her hand as hard as she could but Yetunde’s voice still filtered into her ears.

"I thought you wanted to beg her. Yetunde—"

Her former best friend stood by the door way, palm glued to the door handle as she stared down at Romola. "What are you doing here?"

The doctor squeezed past Yetunde with a large smile on her face. "She's the donor I was telling you about. She finally agreed."

Romola abandoned all attempts to squeeze her hand. Olumide stood at the doorway, staring into the room. Staring at her. She tore her gaze from him and focused on the devil in the room.

"No." Yetunde turned to the nurse. "She can't be the donor. You have to find someone else."

Romola untied the plastic tube that wrapped around her forearm. She cast it on the floor and fought with the feeling of hatred that rose in her heart. "Yes, find someone else. I won't donate any blood."

"Good, Because I wouldn't ask you too." Yetunde turned to the doctor, her blue braids flying. "Do you know who this girl is? Do you know what she's done? She's a prostitute. My Modupe cannot receive blood from her."

"Yetunde, you're being ridiculous." Olumide held Yetunde's shoulder but when Romola's eyes met his, he dropped his hands.

"No. No. No." Yetunde stomped her feet. "Romola will not give anything to Modupe. In fact—"

Yetunde rushed towards Romola and dragged her out of the chair.

Despite the heavy feeling in her limbs, Romola shook Yetunde's hand off, irritation forming a huge barrier to whatever method Jide and the doctor had used to get her to this room. "Don't touch me."

"Who wants to touch you? Rubbish." Yetunde wiped her hands on the bed in the corner. She rushed to the small table and poured some of the rubbing alcohol in her hands.

"We've checked her. She's clean."

"I don’t care if her blood is second to the blood of Jesus. I don't want it."

Very well then. And if Yetunde was here as the parent of the girl and Olumide was here too, she didn't know what to make of that. She simply shrugged even as she saw Olumide plant himself in the middle of the door post.

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