63: OYO for you

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OYO- On Your own

Romola had thought it through. Miss Oyama may not need her anymore but Iya Tobi surely wouldn't reject her. Mr. Joseph was yet to get back to her about her choice of Liliwana as her internship spot so, she could still slip in the fact that while she was waiting for his approval, the company had passed her over for another person. That would annoy him enough to get him to work in her favour.

Of course, there was a part of her that wanted to go back to Miss Oyama and beg but that part of her was not a part she wanted anything to do with. She'd abused the woman's good favour and it was better to run and avoid the woman's wrath than to face the wrath and still be embarrassed and left without a job. As to paying the rest of her fees, she would have to wait and talk to Haddassah about it.

She climbed the rickety staircase to the top floor and walked towards the gate. Once in front of Iya Tobi's store and away from the madness of the street below, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and dialled Mr. Joseph's number, grateful for once that she'd had the good sense to save his number on this cheaper phone instead of her tablet.

Her tablet was gone. She'd found the church's number on the internet and when she'd called, they denied seeing any phone. They promised to call in case they found it but no one had called back.

"Hello." Mr. Joseph's mellow voice caught her attention.

"Good morning, sir."

"Yes, Ibikunle, why are you calling me?"

"I submitted my employment letter to you several weeks ago and I'm yet to hear from you."

"Hear from me? Did you give me and I didn't sign it?"

"You asked me to drop it on your table and leave."

Mr Joseph groaned. "Probably because I was busy. When did you drop it?"

Romola's heart dropped. When? Had he not seen it? Had she spent weeks working for Miss Oyama for no good reason. She had to finish the internship before the next session began and there was no guarantee that even with Mr. Ola's help, she would cover all the bases.

"It's been over three weeks."

"Hmm." Papers rustled from Mr. Joseph's end. "I can't find it."

"It's in a blue folder."

He was silent for a couple of seconds.


"Moromola. How many times would I correct this thing? That's how Dapo came here the other day with the same mistake. The requirement for the internship is that you work in an established firm."

"It is an established place, sir."

"No. This is unacceptable. Either you find a medium sized company that at least deals with oil, tech or business, or you forfeit this part of the course."

Romola's ears rang. Forfeit? Forfeiture was failure. "Sir."

"Ma." His sarcastic tone rose. "Medium size meaning no less than 50 employees."

"But.. but.." She struggled to get the words out. "I have been working. Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"Why didn't you come and check back sooner?"

"It's been over a month sir."

"Don't you know there is a list of approved organisations to work in?"

Romola caught a glimpse of Mr Ola's thin frame walking past one of the aisles in the shop. Great. He was here. Maybe he was no longer on probation, and with Sekemi manning the register she would have time to pick his brains. "What if I work under an accountant in a medium sized firm? Even a big firm."

"OYO for you."

Desperation created cracks in Romola's voice. "Sir, please, I'm begging in the name of God."

"If you like, beg me in the name of Ogun. I won't bat an eye. Don't you know that there are approved firms for this course?"

"Which firms. Can I get a list? Please."

"Are you actually expecting me to hand it to you. It's like you don't know where you're coming from?"

Mr Joseph cut the call and Romola found herself standing outside Iya Tobi's store with no direction for the next step she should take.

Scars (Romola 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz