79: Blood for the afterlife

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The bright and cherry decor of the waiting room on the paediatric ward did not reflect the spirits of Modupe’s well-wishers. On a five-clover leaf shaped chair, Ajoke, Yetunde and Yetunde's mom sat clustered together. Yetunde's mom prayed while Ajoke tried to comfort Yetunde. Yetunde shot him death glares occasionally but he remained on the red plastic seat close to the door.

He still had no chance to leave and since they left the doctor's office, Ajoke had been watching him like a hawk. Maybe Yetunde told her about his encounter with Romola in the hospital or perhaps she had finally bought into the lie that he was solely responsible for Modupe's predicament.

Whatever Ajoke had conjured in her mind, she was yet to voice.

"Hmm." Yetunde's father locked his hands behind his back and turned his head left and right as he paced from one end of the alphabet carpet to the other. He would occasionally walk to one of the big toys, like the mini race car, stand before it and continue pacing.

"Modupe will be fine."

"How do you know? Just shut up." Yetunde yelled.

"Will you keep quiet there. Instead of you to pray for your daughter." Her father barked at her.

So far, the older man had only spoke one or two sentence, here and there. Were it not for his constant pacing, Olumide would not have noticed that the man followed them out of the doctor's office.

"I'm praying for her. I'm praying that the donors get here quick."

"How many donors have you called?" Her dad asked her.


The older man turned to him.

"Five. I could get more if you want."

He'd put it out on social media and offered a twenty thousand reward per donor. He'd increased it to fifty thousand and the replies had tripled. The potential donors had trickled down to seven when he mentioned that they would have to come to the hospital close to one of the maximum-security prisons in the state and how quickly they would have to get there. Apparently, a dying girl was not enough of an emergency situation for them to respond.

"It's not that." Modupe's father shook his head. "I'm just surprised no one is here yet."

"Don't worry. They'll be here. Besides, we have one donor already."

This particular donor was the one who would take the bulk of the cash but would also have to donate more blood. At least enough blood until any of the other donors could arrive. The doctor had mentioned that this donor was willing to donate in exchange for clearing their bill. How someone could rack up such a bill and feel like selling their body part was their only option he could not understand but he was somewhat thankful for the opportunity that this person's problem had provided. Modupe would be safe. Soon.

Ajoke's ring tone filled the room. She opened her leather purse and pulled out her phone. "Hello...mummy...no oh. We're still here...Didn't Olumide tell you? We're waiting for the donors...Ehn...No it wasn't available but they found one person here...hello... E ma worry... You've already left the house...ah trailer...So when...Okay, oh. I'll let you know if anything happens."

Ajoke placed her phone in her laps. "My mum and dad are on their way."

Olumide slipped his hand into his pocket. "I told her not to come."

"Well, they won't be here for a while. I don't even think they'll come this night."


"She said there was a trailer accident on Magodo axis and they've been on a standstill since."

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