64: The Man You are Looking For

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Olumide marched at a speed beyond reasonable and sane as he headed towards the large white building with dark blue window panes that formed a greater part of the wall. While Matthew still refused to talk, he was sure this man would sing like a canary. Or maybe like those wicked cats that used to prow in his grandmother's backyard at night.

The two police escorts that the IG had lent him would make sure of that.

Kennedy. That was the name of Vivian's ex. The man with the missing piece of his puzzle. He had to know the truth before he delved deeper. If Romola sent the pictures to Kennedy, he would not bother himself with her anymore. He would choose simply to believe that she was dead as the woman he loved, instead of listening to the warnings his gut issued but, if Kennedy got the pictures by other means... Really, what other means were there?

He'd turned the issue over and over in his mind and had got nowhere. But now, this Kennedy man would free him from his confusions. He paused in front of the glass door. One of the policemen opened the door for him. The reception area was clean and spacious. A woman stood behind an S-shaped white desk above the marble floor.

"Good afternoon, Sir. Welcome to Tech Codes. How can I help you today?"

"I'm here to see Kennedy."

"Mr Kennedy Oritse? Do you have an appointment?"

The taller policeman, the one with the scar above his right eye spoke. "We're here on matters of security and public peace."

Olumide nodded. Of course, they didn't have a warrant to arrest the guy but she didn't need to know that. If there was one thing he'd learnt from his debacle with Romola, it was that concealed information contained power. The one who had more information controlled the conversation.

"I hope there is no problem." Her hands reached for the black landline on the table.

"None. We simply have some questions for him." The Policeman replied.

"And if he does not respond favourably, then there will be a problem." Olumide added.

The woman nodded, picking the landline and placing it against her ear. "Good afternoon, sir. There are some men here to see you.... No but... sir—"

The shorter police man grabbed the phone from the woman's hand. "Hello, this is Inspector Tade from the Island Block C Police Division. It would be in your best interest to come out now. My patience is very thin."

Inspector Tade passed the phone to the receptionist.

"Yes sir. I will let them know." She dropped the phone in its cradle and pointed to the wooden door on the left. "His office is in there. And whatever you think my boss did, he didn't. He's a good man, I swear."

"The judge will decide that." Inspector Tade threw his hand over his shoulder. But Olumide had already made his judgment. Kennedy was guilty. It was just a matter of how much part he'd played in getting Romola's pictures.

They knocked on the door and a deep voice drawled from behind it. "Come in."

Inspector Tade walked in first, then Olumide, then the taller policeman. The thick smell of weed hit Olumide as he entered the office. He twisted his nose, unable to stop a frown from forming on his lips.

"Good day officers." Kennedy, a thin man with fair skin and large hands, rose. He stuck his hands into the pocket of his well pressed pants. "I had no idea you were coming; else I would've made the office more convenient."

Kennedy's eyes met his. There was no recognition there but the man stared longer than necessary.

"The warning from your receptionist was warning enough." Olumide said.

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