Caius Fights Cain

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A short while after Pandora sent the letter to Carlisle she was walking in the halls when she was stopped by someone. She almost lost her breath by who she saw. " Cain what are you doing here. Do you have a death wish or something." Cain chuckled to himself. "I really wanted to see you." He smiled at her while showing his fangs.

" He smiled at her while showing his fangs

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"Your grin is so beautiful." "Thank you." "Cain I love you so much." "Let's dance." Cain grabbed Pandora's hand and started to dance with her.

" Cain grabbed Pandora's hand and started to dance with her

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"I love you so much Pandora." "I love you too Cain." He was about to kiss her when he was tackled and shoved against the wall by Caius.

" He was about to kiss her when he was tackled and shoved against the wall by Caius

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"Who the H:*; do you think you are." Aro, Marcus, Jane, Alec, Felix, Demetri and Brier soon followed behind. Pandora was scared now. "Caius please stop." Pandora looked around and found all eyes on her. Aro walked up to her. "When were you going to tell us about your new found mate Pandora." Pandora was at a loss for words. "How did you find out?" Aro chuckled. "One: Brier followed you and saw him with you and 2: when Marcus saw this he saw a real strong mate-bond."

"Caius stop you are going to kill him." Caius ignored his sister's words and continued punching and fighting Cain. Caius held Cain by the throat and growled. "You dare think you are even close enough to be worthy of her heart." Cain chuckled slowly. "She enjoys when I stick my tongue down her throat." Caius threw Cain across the hall and was about to rip his throat open when he was stopped by Aro. "Brother I don't think that this is a good idea." Caius threw Aro a real angry look. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip his head off and burn his remains to a crisp."

Aro looked Caius in the eyes before speaking. "Because if you do then you will have killed your sisters mate. And if you do that Pandora will have a reason to leave and never return." Aro then got closer to Caius face and whispered. "Do you really want that to happen." Caius as much as he was angry he knew Aro was right. He let go of Cain and stood up and glared at him. He got close to Cain's face. "You even think about breaking her heart even a little. I will kill you and take great pleasure in doing it to." Caius then stormed down the hall angry and pi$$#' off.

Brier walked up to Pandora. "Are you okay?" Pandora walked up to Cain and hugged him. "Are you okay Cain?" Before he could answer Pandora Aro walked up to him and picked him up by the shoulders. "You me and Marcus are going to have a talk. And Pandora will go with Brier to her chambers. But don't worry we won't kill you unless you give us a very good reason to." Aro and Marcus walked with Cain to talk with him. Pandora watched them leave with a very worried look."

All of the guards left except for Brier who walked to Pandora. "Let's go and calm you down." Pandora nodded and only hoped that her mate wouldn't get killed.

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