Chapter 17: Lunch Break

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Gaea sighed as she lowered her shoulders and rubs her forehead. The whole " One Roxxon Plaza" infiltration mission had been easier than both she and Nat had thought. But they never really took into account that Scorpion would show up. More so with Natasha rather than Gaea. During that moment, Gaea never thought that this would be her final against Scorpion, aka Mac Gargan, and she never thought she would do "it" to him.


Gaea snarled angrily at Scorpion. The sociopathic member of the Sinister Six, and former member of the disbanded Dark Avengers, which was formed, and led, by Norman Osborn, who was Iron Patriot at the time before returning to his Green Goblin identity, lunged at the new spider theme heroine/earth's embodiment but she easily dodged Scorpions' attempted assault and punched him in the jaw, causing blood to spill and his lower jaw to break with a sickening crack, causing the sociopathic criminal to scream in pain. Both the Black Widow and the Roxxon troops halted and looked at the site before then with shock, more so with the Roxxon troops rather than Natasha. Said spy, on the other hand, wasn't. But that didn't stop the Black Widow from being afraid of the Earth Goddess' anger.

And rarely was she afraid.

When the Great Mother rages, the Earth will shake. Signifying her rage.

And raged, she did.

And delivered "the blow" to the sociopathic Scorpion, ending his life for real with a sickening CRACK from the neck bone. The people in the arena-like room were dead silent.

*Flashback Ends*

Gaea sighs as she shakes her head. She doesn't feel any regret about it, and certainly no satisfaction about it. Why should she, though? Death and killing are part of the natural order. Surely, Natasha would understand that.

The Black Widow certainly did understand. It's a daily basis thing for her since she's a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent after all. And Logan & Thor, the only other ones who knew, understood that as well. Which made Gaea more grateful for Logan making his point doing "that" time. Gaea grimaced, recalling meeting Logan when she was pregnant on a CIA mission with her deceased husband, Richard.

And it's a good thing that Logan came in Peter's defense.

Even that wasn't really her son at that time.


Some of the Avengers members are looking at a hologram of Spider-Man. His suspected change in behavior has proven to be concerning for the team. Cap had a feeling that their different opinions on Peter's sudden change might spark another Civil War. Then again, opinions will vary. And sometimes, that will spark conflict.

Steve Rogers: In the past few weeks, he's changed. He's brutalized his enemies. Even killing one of them.

A/N: In the 616 comics, Steve Rogers doesn't really kill. Only Ultimate/Earth-1610 and MCU/Earth-199999 Captain America have been known to do that.

Steve Rogers: I am willing to agree that there's something that we're missing about all of this. Something doesn't really seem to add up. As we all know, I had my fair share of experiences with my body being controlled by another. Maybe it might be that.

Thor: Captain, if I may. I have fought by his side recently. During our fight with one of his enemies, Electro, I noted his sudden change in behavior. He has become wild, erratic, and more arrogant. The only thing I can imagine him being like that is if he's been misguided. On the field of battle, one needs one's companions to stay steadfast and true.

Natasha: He's got a point.

Wolverine decided to interject.

Wolverine: Really, Widow? You tell me, who here doesn't have blood on their hands?

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