Chapter 1: Small Beginnings

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February 21st 1963:

"Are you sure about this, Kazama. Aren't the Naito Family like a 3rd tier Tojo associate. Surely there's a better family to swear to" urged Kazama's soon to be sworn brother, also known as...


Hirano was a short, lean man, with a curly punch perm haircut and a simple black suit.

"Trust me Hirano, Naito-san is like a role model to me, he's way better than the other Tojo patriarchs" stated Kazama, recalling when Naito saved him from his parent's abuse, however he never truly thanked him.

"Fine, I guess we'll see" answered Hirano, still unsure about Kazama's opinion.

They both decided to stroll to the Naito Family office, located past the neon-drenched streets of central Kamurocho. It was within a dingy alley off Senryo Avenue, near the Champion District.

"So, this is it, huh" said Hirano unenthusiastically.

"Come on, cheer up, you don't want Naito seeing you like this" said Kazama.

"Hey you!" A small group of thugs gathered around Hirano.

"Give me ya wallet!" the leader demanded before punching Hirano in the abdomen. Hirano crumbled to the ground, clutching his stomach.

"Your turn!" Growled the leader. The leader went for a punch but Kazama caught his hand and instead countered it with ease. He then swept the leader off his feet and grabbed his baseball bat. Two thugs went in to stop Kazama but he swung, catching one thug in the leg and then he went for a devastating punch to the jaw to the other thug. The other hooligans ran off without a second thought.

"Hey, you ok?" asked Kazama with concern written all over his face.

"It's just a scratch, you hurt them much worse" smirked Hirano. "Anyway, are you ready to head inside?" questioned Hirano, motioning to the door.

"Yeah, lets do it" stated Kazama while walking in.

The Naito Family office was a compact room with simple grey walls, wooden board floors and a few dusty desks with numerous paperwork flooding them. At the back of the room, there was a door which led to another small room with a dark brown wooden desk in the middle along with two dark brown couches at the far left of the room with the Naito family crest sitting framed above. On one of these couches sat.....


"Please take a seat" said Naito. For a 3rd tier yakuza boss, Naito dressed nicely, he was wearing a white jacket with gold stripes and a black undershirt, accompanied by his long brown hair reaching his collar and his short beard.

Naito's subordinate, walked from his guard post and grabbed a bottle of sake and poured it into three separate cups.

"This sake signifies you pledging an oath to me. It also signifies you two becoming kyodais or sworn brothers" explained Naito. Naito, Kazama and Hirano drank from all three cups.

"Now, you, Shintaro Kazama and Jin Hirano are members of the Naito Family, which means you are my Kobun or a son-like figure and I am your oyabun or a father-like figure." Naito continued on laying down the rules."Whenever you complete any tasks you report to Sugiyama-san over there, he'll show you around a little of the office. I hope this begins a very fruitful relationship between us" stated Naito.

Kazama and Hirano got up from the couch and were greeted by a man in a cream suit. They immediately recognized him when he was mentioned earlier and found out he is....

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