Epilogue: Legacy

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December 14th 1974:

Medics rushed to get Kazama to an emergency room. After being there for a few days, the doctors confirmed that Kazama would be ready to be discharged in a week and would make a full recovery. Joji and Kashiwagi breathed a sigh of relief before walking into Kazama's room to visit him.

February 12th 1975:

The Tojo Clan had a council meeting to discuss the future of the clan. Due to all the recent events, there wasn't a suitable candidate for the 2nd chairman. Naito was in exile, Nihara's power had been significantly weakened to the point where he was no longer the Tojo Clan captain and many patriarchs didn't have enough power to run the clan.

Suddenly, the doors creaked open. From it, stood Kazuo Takeda. The thought to be dead former captain of the Nihara Family.

Immediately, many council members decided to crown Takeda as the 2nd Chairman. Even Nihara, Takeda's former boss, nodded in approval. Takeda took a seat at the main seat on council and stroked the scars on his forehead before formally beginning the council season.

"It's good to see you, 2nd Chairman!"

Everybody on the council respectfully bowed towards Takeda as a sign of respect.

From that day on, many things changed within the Tojo Clan. The former Naito Family had been split in two, one half going towards Takeda's and Nihara's families and the other half went to form a new family. The Dojima Family.

Many things also changed for Kazama. Since he has recovered, Patriarch Dojima invited him back into the family and crowned him to be a new lieutenant of the Dojima Family, alongside Shimano.

September 12th 1979:

Kazama drove back to the orphanage and was greeted by Joji, who had a luggage bag next to him.

"So, you're finally leaving. I'm going to miss you brother." Kazama hugged Joji tightly. "I hope you enjoy America."

Joji nodded and carried his bag to his car.

"I'm going to miss you to, brother."

Kazama waved goodbye to his brother one last time before getting into his own car.

At the Dojima office, Sohei Dojima sat on his desk with several of his subordinates sitting on sofas next to it. Kazama took his seat near the front of the room, next to the other three Dojima lieutenants, Kuze, Shibusawa and Shimano.

"Everybody, listen up. We have a big problem on our hands. A few of my men have been found dead in a shipping warehouse near the docks. This is the tenth murder of one of my men in a week!" Said Dojima.

"The thing is, Chairman Takeda has been reporting of similar incidents in the other families and he thinks he knows who's doing the murders. The Jingweon Mafia."

Many of the people at the meeting begun to speculate what was going on but Dojima called for silence.

"For now, we wait and see if these Jingweon fucks learn their lesson. If not, we'll massacre all of them and use that to make this family go to the top of the Tojo Clan!" Declared Dojima eagerly.

September 8th 2003:

Kazama slowly walked into the retirement home on Park Boulevard. Once inside, he entered room 46 where he saw a man he hadn't seen in a very long time.


"Kazama, it's good to see you." Said Naito.

Kazama sat on a chair and put his walking stick to the side before speaking with Naito.

"I heard about what happened to Kiryu. About how he was thrown in jail." Told Naito.

Kazama nodded in disappointment.

"It's a shame, he really reminds me of you. Back when you were younger." Admitted Naito.

"Yeah, he does." Agreed Kazama.

"Kazama, back in the day, I was too thirsty for revenge. You were right. It would never get me anywhere, and here I am. Stuck in this place, using machines to keep me alive." Ranted Naito.

"Naito. Even though I'll never forgive you, you still taught me some valuable lessons." Admitted Kazama.

Kazama and Naito talked for a while longer and they finally made peace with each other for the events that occurred years prior.

"Anyway, goodbye Naito." Said Kazama.

Naito offered his hand and shook Kazama's before he left. Naito halted Kazama and requested something of him.

"Kazama, one more thing. When Kiryu finally gets out, make sure he lives up to the name of 'The Dragon of Dojima'."


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