Chapter 8: Fragile Peace

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July 25th 1951:

Naito reflected on his failure. He had let his daughter get killed for no reason. Only because of Matsushima's gamble, he paid the ultimate price. His father didn't care about the truth, only about teaching his son a lesson.

Naito held the glass to his lips and took a small drink.

"Hey pal?" The bartender moved towards Naito. "You've been here for a couple of days now and some of the customers are getting annoyed. So I'm asking if you could leave, at least for the moment."

"What?" Naito looked up from his drink, his eyes damp from tears. "Can't you let me stay for a little longer?"

"I told you to leave!" Scolded the bartender, grabbing Naito's tattered jacket. The bartender maintained a strong grip on Naito before dumping him on the sidewalk.

Naito got up from the dirty road and sat on the sidewalk. Naito begun to tear up. He had reached rock bottom.
All around him, people walked past, shooting dirty looks at him. Others laughed at him. Near him, a small crowd of yakuza kicked an empty bottle at Naito, shattering it on impact.

"Hey! That spot's reserved! Ya can't hang 'round here like some bum!" One of the yakuza stood infront of Naito, armed with a knife. "Why aren't ya listenin' to me! I'm apart of the Nakatsu Clan! You hear me! Do ya wanna mess with the Omi Alliance!?" Shouted the thug, pointing the knife in Naito's face.

One of the yakuza kicked Naito in the stomach which caused the rest of the group to beat Naito up like vultures going in for scraps. The men dragged Naito's bloodied body into an alleyway.

"Listen up, ya deaf fuck. Patriarch Nakatsu doesn't need people like you campin' 'round here so I'm warnin' ya one last time. Beat it before we turn ya into a corpse!" Threatened the thug.

Naito slowly got back to his feet. Blood stained his teeth and mud covered his clothes.

"No way. Aniki! Do something!" One of the yakuza's lackeys raised his voice.

The thug tried to stab Naito, but he broke the thug's arm and drove his knife into him without mercy.

"Aniki!" Cried one of the yakuza's lackeys before fleeing the scene. Naito stared at the blood in his hands. He felt good when he murdered the thug. While Naito was deep in his thoughts, a strong looking man in a red suit appeared from the alleyway. The man approached Naito and stared at the thug's corpse.

"He wasn't wrong about how you are strong." The man said.

"Who are you?" Naito asked cautiously.

The man handed out a business card. "The name's Kazuo Takeda. I'm with the Tojo Clan, the Nihara Family to be exact."

"Tojo Clan? I'm out. I don't want to join Matsushima." Naito strolled away from Takeda but he was stopped.

"You're not going to join Patriarch Matsushima. After you took out Suzuki, we were impressed with your skills. Enough so that you'll get your own family if you join up." Praised Takeda.

Naito paced around for a little while before giving his answer.

"Yes, I'll join the Nihara Family."

Takeda put his shoulder over Naito, comforting him.

"I'm sorry about your daughter. But you can't stay here any longer. The Nakatsu Clan will probably be after you unless you leave." Advised Takeda, motioning towards his car.

Naito stepped into Takeda's car and they drove to Kamurocho, so that the Naito Family could be formed...

November 16th 1970:

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