Chapter 12: Farewell

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December 13th 1974:

Kazama and Kashiwagi spied the Hiroshi building, taking note of everybody who entered The building loomed over the entire district like a tall mountain.

"Kashiwagi, I think we should go through that side entrance and grab a disguise" suggested Kazama. They snuck out of the old apartment they rented and inconspicousily crossed the street to the back alley. Kazama pacified a waiter in the alley and took his clothes.

"I'll see you on the top floor" said Kashiwagi.

"Wait, won't they recognise you?" Wondered Kazama.

"Shimano never told anyone about what happened in the forest a few years ago."

Kazama picked up a food plate to blend in and strolled into an elevator. The elevator carried Kazama up to the top floor where Naito and most of his subordinates were. From the penthouse, most of the city was visible.

Lights in the distance filled the horizon as the occasional building poked above but none towered as high as the Hiroshi Building. Naito stood on the helipad while his lackeys partied underneath him.

Unfortunately, Kazama accidently collided with one of the yakuza.

"Watch where ya going!" The man shoved Kazama with force. This caused a scuffle which caught the attention of Shimano.

"Kazama!? What are ya doing here!?" Shouted Shimano which whipped everybody in the room into action. Nearly 100 men swarmed to Kazama.

"Take care of him, boys!" Instructed Shimano.

Some thugs circled around Kazama. Kazama managed to clear them out with not too much effort but there were still many more to go. A thug brought out a gun and shot Kazama in his shoulder but it didn't effect him too much as he still was able to clear out the next wave of thugs. Kazama begun to be worn down by the thugs yet it still wasn't enough to defeat him.

One of the thugs whacked Kazama with a pole, but he took the pole off the thug and swung it around and the pole hit many people. Once the battle was over, Kazama tiredly stumbled across the penthouse towards the balcony, stepping over the countless people he had defeaten.

Shimano stood on the edge of the balcony with a katana in hand. He was visually shocked when he saw that Kazama was victorious.

"Guess ya really are tough" Shimano pointed towards the piles and piles of bodies.

"Now, I wanna test that out for myself!" Shimano extended his katana out, ready to fight. Kazama got into a fighting stance, ready to strike.

"Ever since we did that prison break together, I was left disappointed. The fearsome Shintaro Kazama, deadly hitman of the Naito Family, was nothin' more than coward. There ain't no type of person in this world I hate more than someone who can't get shit done" said Shimano. Kazama sighed in disappointment.

"I would rather be a coward than a traitorous snake! You killed Tanahashi back at the prison. I made a vow that day to Tanahashi that I would protect him, so he could see his brother when he got out and you robbed him of that!" Scolded Kazama.

"I'm glad I killed his brother to! Ain't more o' a sorry pair o' shits than them two!" Shimano smirked.

Kazama clenched his fist in anger while Shimano tightened the grip on his katana.

Kazama struck Shimano, but he blocked it with his katana and in reply, attempted to slash Kazama three times, but Kazama weaved away each time and left hooked Shimano straight in the forehead, however he didn't flinch from the strike.

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