Chapter 5: Imprisoned

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January 25th 1967:

The prison yard was covered in piles of endless snow. Many prisoners peaked out of the window to witness this downfall of snow but Kazama wasn't interested.

"Hey Kazama, you alright?" One of his cellmates questioned.

"Yeah I'm fine, just miss the outside, that's all" Kazama sighed, concerned about how Hirano and Naito were doing. The inmate sat down with Kazama.

"You've hardly spoken a word since I came here, but I know who you are, about how that yakuza lieutenant was found dead in your apartment" Kazama's eyes grew wider with interest. Who was this man?

"I know you're wondering who I am. I'm Osamu. Osamu Kashiwagi" said Kashiwagi the inmate. Kashiwagi was a muscular, imposing figure with clean hair and a tough, defined face.

"So, Kashiwagi. You with one of the families or something?" Interrogated Kazama. Kashiwagi nodded.

"Yeah, I'm with the Naito Family too." Kazama suddenly thought of something he needed to ask.

"Since you've only been hear for a month or so, do you know about anything that's happened in the family?" Kashiwagi sighed and took a deep breath before beginning.

"Patriarch Naito declared war on Captain Takeda about 3 months ago" revealed Kashiwagi. Kazama was in disbelief. Naito had no reason to war with Takeda. Unless something big happened. Kazama questioned why but Kashiwagi didn't have any answers.

"The only thing I know is Kamurocho is like a battlefield right now. Naito has control of most of the northern areas of Kamurocho, around West Park while Matsushima owns most of Tenkaichi and Nakamichi Street and Takeda owns Theater Square and some of Shichifuku Street. Oh and Matsushima has expanded operations into Yokohama, which has caused some problems with the Omi Alliance which owns most of that city."

Kazama was trying the process most of that information but before he could, a few guards came around.

"Time for breakfast! Walk in an orderly fashion to the cafeteria!" Instructed the guard.

"I guess we'll continue this conversation at lunch" Kashiwagi said. Inside the cafeteria was chaotic and noisy. Guards tried to hold back some prisoners but to no success. Kashiwagi and Kazama sat down at a table in the far corner.

"So, what about my kyodai, Hirano?" Kazama stared into Kashiwagi's eyes, praying for good news.

"I heard that he's been doing alright. He was about to be promoted to lieutenant in '64 but some smart rich kid named Shibusawa beat him to it" Kashiwagi answered.

"How much did I miss?" Kazama thought to himself.

September 16th 1964:

"Come on, Naito! This Shibusawa kid has hardly any experience in the yakuza world!" Protested Hirano.

"We're in a time of war, so we don't have time to really be thinking too hard about these type of things" Naito clutched the stab wound he received from an assassin a few days ago.

"Besides, this war ain't on a battlefield yet, it's more of a tactical one so we don't need strength right now." Hirano walked off in disappointment but before he left, he picked up a vase and threw it at Naito. The vase missed him but impacted on a small framed photo of Naito and Kazama.

"Hey! Hirano! Get back here!" Naito shouted. Hirano strolled out of the office and went to go back to his apartment but he was stopped by Tanizawa.

"Yo, Hirano-kun. You have my money yet?" Tanizawa wrapped his arm around Hirano and took him to a back alley.

"No, not yet sir, I'll have it for you soon" declared Hirano.

"Come on, I'm sticking my neck out for you. A little compensation and gratitude would be nice!" Tanizawa shoved Hirano to the ground.

"I'm sorry, sir! I'll get your money!" Hirano bowed to Tanizawa. Tanizawa pulled out a cigarette and begun smoking it, then squated down to face Hirano.

"That's it, my boy. It's not that hard, is it?" Tanizawa laughed, flicking his cigarette into Hirano's face.

January 25th 1967:

Kazama and Kashiwagi were eating their morning meal, several scruffy looking inmates enclosed them within a circle.

"I heard you two are with Naito, We were told to take you out, so die!" The inmate pulled out shiv but it still was no match for Kazama who latched onto the inmate's arm and broke it. The inmate yelped in pain while Kashiwagi effortlessly knocked out another inmate.

A large group of inmates appeared while Kazama and Kashiwagi picked up their meal trays and used them as weapons. More inmates were dropped to the ground with little effort. They cleared most of the prisoners out before the guards intervened and stopped the brawl. A guard whacked Kazama on the head with a baton and dragged him to Solitary Confinement.

Kazama had spent days locked inside the damp and dark solitary room. Despite it being a winter wasteland, Kazama yearned to go into the prison yard and to enjoy some fresh air. It wasn't all bad, he had another prisoner inside there to keep him company.

A hulking brute of a man with a tiger tattoo printed on his back. The man studied Kazama carefully.

"Ya seem to be tough, maybe you'd be useful in my plan to bust outta here" the man said. Kazama considered his options. Escaping prison would mean he would be a highly wanted man and he didn't want to drag Hirano and Naito into his mess. Or prove to Joji that the detectives were telling the truth.

However, he needed to get out now, the war between Takeda and Naito only seemed to be getting worse and now that the Omi Alliance is involved, it added a load of dangerous variables to the mix.

"If ya want in to the plan later, ask my boys hanging out in the corner of the yard and tell 'em Futoshi Shimano sent ya" Shimano explained.

The door creaked open without warning.

"You two are permitted to engage with the other prisoners again" the guard unshackled the two of them and sent them out.

Once in the yard, Kashiwagi approached Kazama.

"Hey, I heard these guys are planning an escape and I was thinking we join them" said Kashiwagi.

"I was just in solitary with another guy who said he was involved, I think we should, we've got no more purpose in here!" Said Kazama, pointing to Shimano. Kashiwagi agreed but he was concerned.

"That guy? It would be best if we don't mess with him but we have no choice." Warned Kashiwagi.

"What's wrong with him?" Kazama was curious about Kashiwagi's worry.

"Futoshi Shimano. He's also with the Naito Family, but he's untrustworthy. I heard he killed a man who simply couldn't pay a moneylender, so he ordered Shimano to take him out. All over a few yen." Kashiwagi glanced at Shimano.

"We'll join his escape, but be careful of him" advised Kashiwagi as they walked over to Shimano...

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