𝟑𝟔|spy squad

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"Remind me why Kiara gets to do this," JJ complained from the backseat.

"She's the best," Pope replied simply as he turned to Kiara. "You ready?"

The girl nodded, looking at her phone, "Should I, like, do an accent?"

"Definitely disguise your voice."

"Disguise my voice how?" Kiara asked in a forced English accent. "How would you like me to talk? Like this?"

Both boys immediately told her no and Callie felt her shoulders wince. "Are we really sure that she's best for the job? They're gonna see right through that."

"Callie's right," Pope said, chewing at his bottom lip.

The brunette threw her hands up, looking at JJ triumphantly. "Thank you."

"Do the Batman voice," Pope suggested.

Callie immediately felt her excitement fizzle, "You've got to be kidding me."

"Batman," Kiara repeated, trying to get a feel for the guttural accent.

"Well, that was definitely Batman," Florence stated, choosing not to take a side in the matter. Growing up a Thornton alongside a brother like Topper, she learnt the value of being able to ride a fence skillfully.

Pope nodded, pointing to the phone, "Let's do this,"

"If we get arrested because you all settled on a Batman voice, I will throw each and every one of you under the bus," Callie warned. When JJ turned to her with a sly smirk on his face she felt her heart flutter in her rib cage - well, maybe she wouldn't be able to throw all of them under the bus.

As the phone dialled Kiara switched it over to speaker so that everyone would be able to hear and help her. When the mad answered, Kiara said 'hello' in her Batman voice before recoiling. When Kiara panicked, realising it had been a bad idea, her eyes widened.

"For the love of God, just talk normally," Callie instructed, swearing under her breath.  

When the man's voice came again, Kiara cleared her throat and spoke in her regular voice. "Is Gavin there?"

"This is Gavin. Who's this? Hello?"

"I know what happened on the tarmac," she told him, holding herself firm.

Gavin hesitated, laughing uncomfortably as his voice stuttered. "Who- uh- who is this?"

"It was Rafe Cameron," Kiara said, not even bothering to ease into it. She wanted evidence so that they could bring John B home - they all did. "But you already knew that and you lied about it.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐒 ∴ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now