Sasagawa Ryohei

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Tsuna hugged his bolster even tighter, the scene on Saturday kept replaying in his head even in his dreams but it all twisted into a horrible and gory looking scene.

He was riding on the roller coaster as the ride plunged downwards into the dark. Just then, his surroundings disappear and he was no longer buckled down. Pure darkness suddenly envelops the background. He tried to reach out for the light but that speck of light grew further and smaller till it disappears. Suddenly, he could feel the solid ground and he shuffled. He looked beneath his feet and saw red. He crouched down to touch the colour, feeling the disgusting crimson on the floor. Just then, his hands were covered in gloves and the red continued to taint the glistening fingers of them. He looked up to a rainy sky and he glanced around the area. Corpses and blood stains littered on the floor, shocking the brunet. Tsuna fell backwards as his eyes sets on ten familiar figures that were on the floor. Just as he was about to reach out for them, a loud voice boomed over.




Tsuna bolted out of his bed, his forehead covered in sweat. His eyes fluttered open as he adjusts to the light. And much to his dismay, the familiar fedora-wearing figure appeared before him with a smug face. Tsuna's heart started throbbing nervously, anticipating what is to come. Instead, nothing came but Leon morphed into a clock. And then...


Tsuna quickly grabbed Leon and looked at the face of the clock. His eyes widened in shock as he tells the time. "Shoot! Mama, why didn't you wake me up?" He can hear Reborn snickering at one corner, fiddling with his gun. "I tried! Four times! But you didn't budge!" Nana replied from downstairs. Tsuna quickly dressed into his uniform as neatly as possible (he doesn't want to face Hibari's wraft). He runs for the kitchen and grabs his toast and lunch before running out, not forgetting to shout to his mother 'Itte-kimasu'. He jerks back his sleeve to look at his watch, crying when he realised that there was only five minutes left to reach school.

"Dame-Tsuna, you're really slow. So die!" A voice said. Tsuna recognizes the voice almost immediately and turns around. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead as he watches the safety pin of the pistol Reborn is holding unlock. The infant pulls the trigger at the brunette.

"Wait! Reborn, not no-" BANG!

"Reborn! Reach school before the bell rings with my dying will!" His clothes tear to the heat emitted and the orange flame appears on his forehead. He then starts to dash to school and he passed Gokudera and Yamamoto on the way. The other two stares in awe of Tsuna's speed and starts to follow Tsuna's mad dash for school. Inside, Tsuna is crying literally. Why is it that my two dear friends are following me in this totally embarrassing method to go to school? And why didn't I dodge the bullet when I had the chance to? I am SOgoing to get the disease at this rate.

Tsuna can see himself nearing the school and see students walking at a leisurely pace. With that flame, lack of clothes -which means lack of resistance- and the speed he was running, he took less than one minute to travel that far. In his view, he can see an extremely bright white-haired male with his fists wrapped in tape, going on and on about boxing with great enthusiasm. And his companion looked like he is going to die but the volume. Tsuna quickly rushed past him but as soon as he brushes past, a strong grip held on to him. He spins around and glares at his 'attacker' (1). The male did not let go, instead he screamed at Tsuna's ear (effectively turning Tsuna deaf temporarily). "Please do not run to the extreme and get some-" Tsuna could no longer care about the male's speech. "Clothes!" He dashes off to school while dragging the poor male behind him. "EXTREME!"

That last word made an impression on Tsuna, either that male is hot-blooded or he simply loved to scream. However, his mind brought forth a weird feeling, he can feel dread but he also felt that the word is very... Nostalgic. Not long, Tsuna reached the gates and the flame sizzles off. He did not forget the fact that his clothes are gone so he was frantically glancing for Reborn to arrive with his uniform and school bag. The male that he dragged along then cut off his train of thoughts. "That was EXTREME! You extremely HAVE to join the boxing club!" He hollered. Tsuna flinched at the volume, rubbing his ears in the process. He opens his eyes and saw the male grinning, showing his teeth but the worst part is that the male's clothes had changed into what priests would normally wear. And his hair turned darker. He rubs his eyes furiously and blinks his eyes before heaving a sigh of relief when the white hair and school clothes come back.

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