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They sighed at their injuries. All of them were thoroughly wrapped from head to toe, even those small scratches were plastered. Without Ryohei's help, they might have had it worst.

They sat on their medical beds, staring at each other. Some of them were scratching those thick bandages while Mukuro is still out cold. As if sensing some awkwardness in the room, Tsuna decided to break the ice. "How are y-"

"Not now, Dame-Tsuna." Reborn hushed him in a sharp tone. Tsuna slaps his hand over his mouth. "We need to check for bugs so hush up." Hibari was already quiet and has been itching to beat them all when they talked. After all, they are still crowding. Leon scanned the whole room and reported to his owner through signs and signals. "Now, you may talk, Tsuna."

"Everyone okay?" He asked loudly. Soft murmurs of 'yes' passed through his ears and he smiled softly. Many of them looked at their empty fingers and sighed. What the Corvino did was completely unpredicted and ruthless. Fortunately, the one that was taken is a fake.

"Anyway, did you use the boxes given?" There was a pregnant silence until Gokudera spoke up. "My stuff is awesome! I had only opened one box but the results are cool! It has a skull design strapped on my forearm and it shoots out storm flames. Although I wonder what the others do." He lit another ring and was about to try out when Lambo cried at him not to. The silver head began to bicker back and then a cross fire in Italian occurred. The others decided to stay out of it.

"What about the others?"

Ryohei enthusiastically waved his hand in reply. "Oh oh me!" Everyone stared in his direction.

"An extreme kangaroo came out of my box! It listens to me to the extreme! However, I don't know what I did, it became my extreme weapon! Maximum break!" He shouted in enthusiasm, completely shrugging off the pained look the others gave. His extremeness would bound to damage their ears.

"Come to think of it, I was using Daemon's lens. I have no idea what was done." Chrome commented, her mind still wandering off to that moment. She was directing Ryohei against an illusion with her brother's illusion helping her behind. She is still grateful for him. Suddenly, she recalled Hibari giving his ring away as soon as they requested for it. "Ano... Alaude, why did you give them the ring so quickly?"

That question stopped everything they were doing. Lambo and Gokudera stopped pulling each other's hair or face. Ryohei stopped shadow punching while Yamamoto's smile slipped off. Tsuna looked at his cloud guardian, his head tilted to the side. Hibari scoffed and looked out of the window. "Those herbivores aren't even the real deal. I bet they'll be killed as soon as they find out that the rings are fakes. What's the point of fighting them for the rings when what we have are actually fakes?" He said flatly. 

"Right now, we need to prepare all of you. As well as make necessary planning. So heal up first, 'kay?" A new voice popped up, gaining their attention. Dino stood at the door way and Basil was right behind him. "Is everyone fine?" He asked. Tsuna nods at the blond but his face soured. "Other than Mukuro, everyone's fine. More or less."

-At the Corvino HQ-

Their eyes lit up in joy as they jumped for joy. "YES! We took it from them! We can fulfill our family's wish!" They cheered and opened their palms, revealing the ring they took from the other. Rovinco twirled the ring, over and over again, inspecting its authenticity. He slipped it onto his finger and lit the ring up, showing light orange flames specked with black. He felt power from the ring as he diminishes his flames and he smiled. 

"With this, we will have no problem against the Vongola. Yes, we will be the first family known to defeat the clams!" He declared affirmatively. While every member of the second family cheered, the two seniors of theirs frowned. After all, they did do it on haste. Haste makes waste. Did they get the genuine thing?

They disappeared into the shadows again, their hands gripping on a communication device, deciding whether to call their superiors to report in. Rosetta tightened her grip before letting it loose. "If they got the fake, I'm calling the commander for action to be taken."

"That's a bit harsh, isn't it?" Klein argued. It certainly is a bit harsh in the normal world, not theirs. One wrong move and that's it, you're finished. Their world is cruel and dark, always hiding from others and will kill to keep their secrets. Even the Omerta is applied everywhere and on everyone involved.

"Not at all. They disobeyed their head and they'll get punished, heir or not." The pink haired lady strutted off, swinging the device dangerously while the male stared at her retreating figure. How typical of the storm.

-At Tsuna's house-

"Home sweet home!" The brunet said as he crashes himself into the comfort of his soft bed. Lambo followed him and sank himself into the bed, enjoying the feeling of his arms and legs getting wrapped by cotton beddings.

"Now, tell me how much you remember about the past." He whispered to the boy, his eyes back to caramel brown. Lambo's eyes stopped flashing as he clutched his head adorably.

"Hmm... Let's see... I remember the other family I used to be in, how I got treated even though I'm the heir and how I got saved by Primo! The first time I called Primo, Primo! My flames and its uses and other happy times. (You got to understand that Lambo is still a child with Lampo's mentality. His speech is a bit jumb)" He listed happily, using his arms to exaggerate his thoughts. Tsuna laughed along with him, forgetting the extra presence in the room.

Reborn stood at one corner, listening on their conversation. It is interesting at least. He pulled down his fedora and covered his eyes, despite having no onlookers around. If peace could always be like this, I would really enjoy it, he thought.

However, there is no time to lounge around.

"Let's go! The others have already resumed their training." Reborn declared as he stuck his index finger out, signalling his pet to transform. Within a snap of his fingers, a gun already positioned itself behind their backs, ushering them out of the door, towards the replica mountain.

Short chapter this time, despite after so long...

Amazing! 1k+ views already! My impression of Wattpad's system is not really that pleasant (petty reason really). Thank you all for your support! As thanks, I would update one story from my published list.

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