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They ran seemingly aimlessly in the dark tunnels, blindly hoping that every step they take is one step closer to their final stop. Tsuna listened intently to his intuition, trusting his enhanced sense to get by. Reborn checked his watch and pressed his lips into a straight line.

"We have been moving for the last twenty minutes. The time now is 6.35pm in Italy. How long more..."

"Giotto," the brunet blurted instinctively, though he attempts to take it back to no avail. Reborn shot him a devilish look and he shuddered at the infant's stare.

"Right ... Giotto. How long more?"

"A couple of minutes and we should reach the-"

He was cut off when a scream suddenly reverberated down the sewage, ringing loudly in their ears. The voice was recognisable as well, just like the last time. Tsuna grew alarmed immediately, his heart pounding ever so loudly against his ribs. His mind told him to slow while his heart screamed for him to go.

That voice belonged to her! She must be someone nearby!

Deciding to drop all his caution and practicality, the brunet sprinted away, not even stopping to catch his breath. He has been searching for her for so long. He was not going to let this chance slip by his fingers. No! She is waiting for him!

The others cursed under their breaths, taken by surprise by their friend running off because of a scream. What if all these was a trap? What if down that sewage was not going to be the one they were looking for? Their boss' carelessness and recklessness was too much at times. Enma propelled forward with his gauntlets, stopping in front of Tsuna, arms stretched out like a barricade.

"What the heck? Move it Enma!"

"No! You're gonna tell me what got you so hyped up that you threw your comrades behind-"

"That scream was Kyoko's, all right? I know the scream was hers!"

Silence fell between the two of them. The red head looked at the other wide eyed while the brunet continued to glare at him, pleading for him to step aside.

"Are... are you serious?"

"My intuition never lies!"

Enma stared up that the half-blond-brunet's amber eyes that burned in fury and desperation. He sighed and stepped right, clearing the way, but not before he grabbed the elbow of the Vongola boss. The latter glowered at him to let go but he kept his firm grip there.

"Lead us, brother. Not throw us behind."

The intense glare softened as Tsuna nodded his head. The remaining few soon caught up and their leader soon took off again, this time, with his comrades.

Kyoko (she's back)

She does not recall how long had she been in this hell hole, trying to free herself but it was of no use. No one seemed to be able to hear her at all, so she figured that they must be underground. The crows locked her up in a filthy dungeon, so filthy that even the rats run from the stench of the place.

With her arms bound together, she made a deep sigh, wondering when would she be free again. Federic had left just a few hours ago and Rosetta went to meet her boss since give or take... twenty minutes ago. No one came in to keep watch, and she could not break free from the chains either.

Suddenly, Klein -as she recognised- barged in, now with a sword at hand. An angered look dawned on his face and it intensified when he saw her. Swiftly, he drew out blood from the slit across her abdomen, eliciting a scream from her. The scream rang in his ears, settling him down as he knew that he inflicted pain on his enemy. He brought his weapon down again, now creating an ugly gash on her side. The brunette cried out in pain, yet she did not beg him to stop. She was no masochist, but she would rather shout her pain than to expose her secrets. The man scowled.

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