Hibari Kyoya

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Hibari slumped onto the table; fatigue of staying up for two days by bringing down small Yakuza groups has taken over him as he fall into a light sleep. A discipline member then knocked on the door to hand in reports, only to be hushed by Tetsuya, the vice head of the Discipline committee. Tetsuya then opens the door as quietly as he could and showed the discipline member why he was hushed.

"Wake him up and you're doomed for life, more or less like me." Tetsuya jokingly whispered once he assumed that the distance away from the office is good enough to prevent Hibari from hearing what they said. The discipline member then nods his head quickly, scurrying away as soon as he hands the paper to Tetsuya.

He grunted. His hands held onto a pair of handcuffs as he swung them left and right, knocking out all his opponents at record time. His handcuffs then hooked onto a person's hand and he increased his flames and allowed the handcuffs to multiply and tighten his opponent. While focusing on what is in front of him, he forgot about what ever happened behind him even though he knew never to let his guard down. Just then, pain engulfed him on his back. He hissed in pain as he uses his free hand to knock the attacker out. He tightens his hold, strangling his enemies until they faint. He can feel power drained from him as he swayed and catches himself on the ground. His enemies smirked and charged at him, the tip of the sharp sword twinkled in front of his widened eyes.

*Gasps* He woke up abruptly from his nightmare. Sweat dripped down from a strand of his hair. It seemed so felt real as he unconsciously pressed down the aching part of his chest. At the corner of his eye, he can see Tetsuya getting worried for him.

"Was it the usual? Kyo-san?" Tetsuya asked.

Once, he saw Hibari wake up with a horror-struck face and his forehead drenched heavily in sweat. Hibari's killer aura then choked him but he has somehow managed to calm down the skylark. They soon became close acquaintances and Tetsuya learnt about the nightmare during one of Hibari's slip ups (that's when Hibari decided to make Tetsuya his vice-chairman of the discipline committee. He doesn't want this secret to spread).

Hibari nods his head as he leaned back into his armchair. He crossed his fingers and let them support his head as he leaned forward. The images replayed vividly in his mind as people who looked like the bomb herbivore, baseball herbivore, the boxing captain, the idol herbivore and the omnivore dropped like dead flies in front of him. And all of them had fatal injuries. His forehead turned sweaty and he pulls away from his desk. He walks to the window and looked down at the school courtyard, in time to see those look-a-likes in his dream walk into the school. As he observed them, a small vein popped inside.

First, they are late. However, because of a small interest in them, he allowed himself to let them go. Next, he caught some of them in the group wearing the uniform haphazardly. Again, he knows that this small issue is constant and is beyond him to control because he wants the students to study well in school as comfortable as possible. So he brushed it off. The last was intolerable. They are crowding and making a lot of noise. Veins started to pop as he opens the window of his office.

"KYO-SAN!" Tetsuya shouted as he tries to grab the prefect. He then scrambles to the window and heaved a sigh of relief. Hibari has landed safely on the ground floor without letting go of his jacket. At the same time, Reborn (who has been watching Hibari in between the trees) saw the whole thing and smirked. He is truly a potential cloud, not heeding anyone and truly unbound, just like the clouds. Interesting.

"Turf-top! Can you lower your VOLUME?" Gokudera shot back at Ryohei as the latter shouted another 'extreme' beside Tsuna. "You're hurting Boss' eardrums!"

"WHAT'S THAT?" Ryohei yelled back. Tsuna and Yamamoto were rubbing their ears while Kyoko just chuckled at the sight like she is used to it. At this moment, Tsuna's head starts throbbing as a warning rang inside. What's that feeling that I've got? Hibari-san's coming? He then looked up and widens his eyes. The others noticed that Tsuna stopped and watched where he was looking at. A blur of black then lands on the floor with a soft 'thump'. And the same reaction happens as Tsuna shouted.

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