New student? Or is he an enemy?

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"Kyo-san," Tetsuya called as he handed the black haired silhouette. He turned around as he closes the window. "Transfer student from Italy. Rovinco Alexandre. These are his particulars and his records, as well as his..." Tetsuya coughed and fidgeted slightly. Hibari drummed his fingers impatiently on his arm. "Commitments." The vice-chairman completed before setting the folder down. Hibari spins into his comfortable office chair and flipped through the contents.

Name: Rovinco Alexandre

Age: 13

Parents: Rovinco Rena, Rovinco Gerald

Address: First- Florence, Italy; Second- Namimori, Japan

Blood type: AB

Occupation: Student; Next-in-line for the Veeno Corporations

Hibari cocks an eyebrow. Next-in-line for the Veeno Corporations? Interesting, I've hardly heard of this company before. "Kusakabe Tetsuya, dig up the information of This Veeno Corporations. And more about this Rovinco Alexandre." He ordered. Said man bowed and left as soon as the order was given. Hibari frowned and turned towards the window. The usual group walked into the school grounds noisily as usual. Hibari stares down at them without emitting any killer auras. "Vongola..."

Tsuna jerks up as his head spun slightly. He unconsciously hugged himself as a cold wind blew by. What's this feeling that I've got? Something bad is going to happen soon. His friends halted with him in their tracks, staring at the brunet worriedly. "Tsuna? What's wrong?" Yamamoto asked. Tsuna snapped back up and shook his head. "Nothing's wrong Yamamoto. It just got cold suddenly." He replied, grinning sheepishly to cover his anxiety. Yamamoto shrugs before slinging his arm over the brunet's shoulder. "Let's get to class first shall we? Then we can talk all we want with our nicknames!" Gokudera growled before screaming at the raven-haired male to get his arms off Tsuna's shoulders. Ryohei and Kyoko did nothing but chuckle [Or laugh heartily (And loudly) in Ryohei's case]. Reborn just sat in Tsuna's hair and observed the brunet, who was not reacting at all, just moving accordingly to where the group is pushing him.

As soon as the four classmates reached their classroom, Yamamoto shoves Tsuna into his seat and the brunette complied quietly. They grabbed their chairs and surrounded Tsuna instantly, staring intently at him but Tsuna did not budge, as if time froze for him. Yamamoto even playfully waved his hand in front of the brunet. Suddenly, in the middle of Kyoko's fun (consisting of pulling the cheeks, poking the cheeks, pinching the cheeks, the list goes on), the classroom door slammed open and in trudged Hibari, with an aura so choking that it snapped the brunet awake.

Roughly, Hibari grabbed Tsuna's collar and lifted him off his seat, his chair falling backwards. "Oi, Alaude! Put Giotto down!" Gokudera shouted at the perfect, his eyes burning red in fury. Unwavering, Hibari continued to stare into the brunet's brown dull orbs. Shaking him roughly, he grunted, "Wake up! It's not like you to look so down, Giotto!"

Tsuna's eyes widened as he heard that nostalgic name escape from the prefect's lips. Shakily, he looked up at him as his eyes flashed a dulled orange. "A-laude?" Hibari grunted, satisfied that the brunet woke up from his daze. He then slowly sets the brunet onto his chair.

"Omnivore, a new student is transferring into your class. Stay alert and don't get yourself killed. You got me? Primo!" Hibari hissed. His eyes then started to gleam as he proposed a ridiculous proposal. "You shall fight me every day from now on if you don't get your act together!" Tsuna starts shaking his head fast. "I-I understand Alaude! So can I not fight?" Hibari grunts and turned his heel, not before letting a scoff and a smile form on his face. "I look forward to the next fight, Omnivore." He says as he closes the door. Tsuna sank into his chair, registering what Hibari just said harshly.

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