Training (part 3)

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His friends stared into blank space in front of them on the roof; even Hibari joined them due to lethargy. Who knew that the bucking horse can fight so well? His muscles are aching for the first time after so long, he can barely hold up his chopsticks. It is really not his day. Reborn watched in dismay as his student lean against his first friend with his eyes shut peacefully while his food is left untouched. He'd say that his training is not that harsh. Reborn quickly sent a shock up his student's head. "Argh! What was that for?" Reborn simply answered by snatching away his mother's homemade egg roll. Too used to Reborn's antics, he continued to doze off like his rain.

Just then, Gokudera remembered something that shook him out of his sleep, "Primo!"

"Yes? Wo-ah!" He collapsed backwards in a heap. Kyoko, Ryohei, Yamamoto looked at him in concern as Gokudera flustered over his friend. "I'm so sorry Tsuna! I'm so sorry! I forgot that you were leaning against me to sleep earlier. I'm so sorry!" He banged his head against the floor comically, at least the floor is not pooling with blood. Hibari snorted at the behaviour and munched on his hamburger steak, eyeing them occasionally to make sure they do not damage his school roof. He will bite them to death if he sees a dent on the floor.

"Gokudera, you may stop now. I don't want you to hurt your head because of the fact that I fell backwards." It did its work. He stopped banging on the floor. "Thank you for your kindness, Pr-"

"What is it that you need to discuss again?" Tsuna cuts in. He sure does not want to be called 'Primo' again. It made him sound old; he is just a middle school student.

Gokudera took out the ring he received from Shamal earlier during his training. Everyone gasped, even the surrounding atmosphere did. It must be the wind, or his two mist guardians. He scratched his chin, followed by his neck and then his elbow before he spoke up. "Were the rings like this? What happened to the big gems? I recalled mine being red, not silver." It is true. All of them were wondering what has happened to the rings. Not that they disliked the previous design (simply because the thing in the centre somehow looked weird. Plus, the only time they saw the previous design was when they received the current one); the aura of the ring seemed a lot weaker. He could not remember who the second boss of the Vongola is, nor did he remember who he has passed it to. He does not have all his memories yet; it is just his gut feeling that the ring was not like this.

"I really cannot answer you. I don't... remember." Hibari puts his bento box down and hopped off to the water tank, refusing to herd any longer. The boys looked downwards, sympathising with their friend. They had recently received it; it really is not their friend's fault for not recalling. They do not even know if they are truly who they think they are. Those memories they saw in their heads are just... visions. Kyoko's sigh woke them up. Their eyes glow their colours together. "Does the appearance of the ring matter? Does the aura of the ring matter?" They shook their heads. "You just got to know that your flame depends on your resolve. Only with your pure resolutions, you can succeed, right?" They saw light in her words and smiled gratefully at her. Tsuna walked over, his eyes still orange. He bent over her ear and whispered, "Thank you, Yuriko."

-Corvino Japan Headquarters-

Familiar laughter could be heard down the solemn halls of the mansion. Chattering sounds ricocheted against the brick walls. Happy thumping of footsteps could be heard rushing towards the main room. To hear such in this cold place is really rare, after all, the Corvino is preparing their assault on the Vongola. The time is almost right.

Heads popped out from behind the door frames. "Hi, Boss! It's a pleasure to see you again!" They strut in, greeted and bowed. Rovinco grunted and flings a folder in front of them. "You're late, my guardians." He said, authority riding over his words. The albino girl in the group just smiled. "We won't do it again." She took out her gun and lit it in blue flames, showing her loyalty to her boss. Rovinco tossed his legs towards the side and gestured them to pick up the file. A blond boy picked it and and the others crowd around him to read. Their eyes scanned across the pages and smirked.

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