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Haru feel nervous the first time he entered the human world. After all he was a yokai and had living in the other world for many years.

The most thing that make Hoshi afraid of his son going to the human world was can Haru been able to control his desire as a yokai. Not all yokai can live in the human world if they are new to it. Some of the yokai probably brings bad luck to the human being.

But he choose to let go of Haru and try to have faith over his son's human blood. Even though Haru was yokai but he still have his mother's blood in him.

Haru was nowhere to go. So the best option for yokai like him was the to find a secret place to stay and hide himself. Haru actually can just live inside the shrine because every kamisama gonna welcomed him since he was a son of the yokai king. But Haru have his own mission. He want to hide his identity in order to make '100 times shrine visit' as human being to ask something from the kamisama.

Haru just wanted his mother to live longer. Since his father's power can't forever hold his mother live, Haru give a try to ask help from the kamisama instead.

In their world, the kamisama barely grant wish from yokai. That's why Hoshi can't ask help from the kamisama. Haru was the only last hope now.


Japan almost enter the summer season. That morning, Kousuke clean the shrine area alone. Sakura who still inside the room was laying down at her bed. The shrine was really quiet. Since the day she entered the shrine she never notice anybody going there to pray or pay a visit.

Kousuke went to prepare they breakfast after finish cleaning. He climb on the chair to open the higher cabinet. His hand almost slipped while grabbing the plate. Sakura use her power to help Kousuke before the plate fall over his head.

"Arigato Sakura-sama." Said Kousuke.

"Why you don't want to use your own body. I guess it will be more comfortable than being a small children like now." Said Sakura.

"It's a long story." Said Kousuke.

"What do you mean?" Ask Sakura again.

Hitori who just wake up already stand in front of the sliding door at the kitchen.

"Ohayou!!!" He greet Sakura.

"You seem to curious about Kousuke. But my story was more fun than him. Can you once curious about me as well." Said Hitori with a puppy eyes looking at Sakura.

Sakura stand up and help Kousuke prepare the breakfast. She ignore Hitori.

"Okay. As always i've been rejected." Said Hitori.

Sakura brings the tea to the 'chabudai' a lower short-legged table. Hitori already sitting there at the table watching Sakura helping Kousuke.

"Do you still want the fox to become your guardian?" Ask Hitori.

"Yes." Answered Sakura shortly.

"But why? He don't want you." Said Hitori.

"You know the reason well. I am a murderer and i kill many yokai except the foxes at the 'kitsune' village." Said Sakura.

"But in the other world there's a lot more yokai. I don't think you kill all of them?? Right?" Ask Hitori.

Sakura just keep silent.

Then she take a seat in front of Hitori. She looks so elegent wearing blue yukata while her hair been tied by a thin white ribbon.

"I don't want to travel around the other world for so long. I afraid my presence there will hurt many yokai feelings after they saw me." Said Sakura.

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