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In the 'tengu' village, Kousuke was the most popular crow yokai. He was the strongest yokai which make everyone respect him so much. But, being popular wasn't about the best feeling ever. Kousuke always feel lonely and no one really treat him like their own friend. They just take advantange over his popularity and strength.

Kousuke at first doesn't care about the fame that surround his life. He also doesn't take it to heart about other yokai who not sincere being his friend. Until one day, when he past by one small village in the human world he met the one he then wanted to treasure so much.

Misaki is the son of one old farmer in the village. They met at the paddy yield during spring. In japan, they plant the paddy during spring and harvest it during summer season.

Misaki have an ability able to see spirit being. He didn't went to school like the other teenager around his age due to his poor upbringing. He just work everyday with his father at the paddy yield.

Due to his special ability, Misaki always become the target of some bad yokai. Until there was a time one frog yokai called 'kaeru nyobo' in japanese accidently fall for Misaki. But of course Misaki can't accept her since they were in different world.

The kaeru was really mad over her love been rejected by Misaki. So, she plan to force him to accept her no matter what. She always come to the village making chaos and disturb every human in there. Whatever the kaeru did, it never affected Misaki. He was very keen over his decision.

This make the kaeru planned a very worst scenario by attacking the paddy yield. Many years has passed by without much food to eat and no income for the people in the village. Some of them move away from the village but for the poor family they can't make it whether they left to die or sick.

Misaki's parents also included. They become sick and stressed due to the lack of needs in the village. This force Misaki to meet the kaeru face to face.

"Can you please stop all this? The one you want is me so why you need to make the others suffered?" Said Misaki.

"I just want your attention. I am suffering as well." Replied the kaeru.

"Please. We live in different world. You should understand that." Said Misaki again with distressed in his voice.

"Give yourself to me then i will not making trouble in your village." The kaeru start to make a deal.

It was a very hard decision for Misaki but he have no choice. He don't want poor villagers also his parents to suffered anymore so he said yes to the kaeru.


Misaki who was accepting to be the kaeru groom need to live in the yokai world. But his energy can't really manage the yokai realm. He become weak day by day.

At the same time, Misaki also knew his family member was suffering in the human world after facing the fact that he was disappear without any trace. But, Misaki doesn't have any choice because he want to save the situation from getting worst.

Living in the yokai world had make Misaki feel depressed and he just wanted to end his life every single day but always been failed by the kaeru.

Until one day Misaki successfully run and hide somewhere to end his life without the kaeru knew. But, luckily fate had brought Misaki to meet Kousuke.

Kousuke who been searching for Misaki after his dissapearance from the village was so happy to meet him again.

Kousuke try to bring Misaki back to the human world just to let him live his normal life again. But, it wasn't easy because Misaki already claimed by the kaeru as the part of them.

Kousuke use all his might to fight the kaeru troop to save the man he loved. But, Misaki can't take it any longer and die at the yokai world before Kousuke success to bring him back to the human world.


Kousuke had gone insane after the death of Misaki and he try to end his own life until Hitori saves him.

That's how Kousuke then become the land kamisama assistant to show how much he felt grateful to have someone care for him because he never have any true friend.

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