Chapter XII.

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' You've been kidnapped, kid . Find your necklace as soon as possible! Wake up!'

Wang Linxue was gasped and woke up startled from the dream she was just having but couldn't remember. She groaned feeling her head aching and shivered on the very cold ground . Her eyes felt very heavy and her head was a bit clouded.

She laid for a bit, feeling lethargic trying to remember what she was dreaming about and tried to get up but she felt a restraint.

Her mind cleared up a bit and she wiggled her arms which were tied behind her back.

She struggled groaning at the tightly tied rope that was digging into her wrists.

"Stop struggling." A quiet voice warned, " If they catch you, they are going to beat you up."

Wang Linxue stopped at the request of the voice and turned to the direction it came from.

She got a shock when looked around and she saw about a dozen children tied up in the same state as her looking very frightened though their faces weren't very clear.

She looked around and saw that, they were in a cave that was dimly lit with a lantern. There were some wooden boxes placed here and there and some men sitting at the opening of the cave smoking and talking in low tones.

She turned to the girl who told her to stop struggling, "Who are they?"

The girl shifted into a more comfortable sitting position she could manage with her hands tied behind her back.

" Child traffickers", she calmly spoke like she was talking of the weather.

'Why was this kid so calm?'

'' Aren't you scared? They could do bad things to us.''

" That's because they won't do anything to us. They kidnapped us for sale so we need to be as untainted as possible. They will.... ", She stopped talking when a man walked nearby to rummage the boxes picking up an alcohol bottle.

When he sent it forward, one of the men chastised in a gruff voice, probably from long time smoking, " Not too much drinking, we have to be sober enough to 'take care' of them."

He grabbed the alcohol from the man to which the man whined for a while but complied.

Wang Linxue turned to the girl who looked unfazed by the fact that she had been kidnapped. Even she was a little scared and was panicking a bit.

She hadn't read of anything like this happening to the villainess, even worse she had read only half of the novel. So there was still a lot of information she still didn't acquire.

She tried to communicate with Ping and found out her necklace was gone. Probably the traffickers took it from her when she was unconscious.

The girl who face still wasn't clearly visible to Wang Linxue smiled at how well her mission was going.

For hours ,they sat on the ground quietly awaiting their fate while Wang Linxue was very worried about her necklace and Xi Jinwei.

She wondered where that kid was.

She heard noises coming from the outside . Some people led more group of children into the cave and barked at them when some of the children started to cry.

They were silenced into submission when one man backhanded one of the children crying and whining that they wanted to go home or to their mothers.

He spit on the ground and sneered" We are going to fetch a good price for them. Sit them with the rest of the children. Let's pack and get ready to move.

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