Chapter Seventeen

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Getting ready for a date with Esme Panchek shouldn't make her nervous, obviously Juliette knew that. She knew that however she looked, however she dressed, however she was, Esme would just be happy that they were out together to begin with. That knowledge, however, was not enough to stop Juliette from panicking. Everything had to be perfect, her outfit included. She'd been vacillating between the same two dresses for a half hour, and now she only had fifteen minutes until Esme picked her up... She needed to be ready for that too, she didn't want to be keeping her waiting, that would be rude.

"You're gonna be late if you don't hurry the fuck up, you know... Esme'll be here any minute and I can only keep her at bay for so long." Shelby sighed, looking up from her phone to where Juliette was standing in her bra and panties in the middle of the room. Shelby's house had better lighting for getting ready... and a distinct lack of Samantha asking her questions about 'where the hell she was going dressed like a fucking slut' and 'who was she trying to impress'... It was a much more relaxing experience.

"I know... But like... Black dress or red dress?" She paused. Was she going too formal? What if Esme thought she was trying too hard? She didn't want to try too hard, that would be humiliating... "Or jeans... Fuck..." Shelby cleared her throat and stood up, walking up behind her in the mirror to push her arms down for a moment. She groaned and leaned back, resting her head against her chest. Shit, why had no one told her that this was going to be the hardest part of getting a date? That seemed like something that should be discussed.

"Stop it, you're overthinking this." Obviously she was overthinking this, it was better to overthink this than to underthink this... She really wanted to impress Esme, it sort of seemed like they'd done things better... Hell, she'd slept in the same bed as Esme before they'd even kissed... She needed to make it special, Esme deserved someone to make this special for her. From what she'd said, most people hadn't bothered.

"Shelby, it's my first date ever. I can't fuck this up, that'd be humiliating." Juliette said, and Shelby chuckled, reaching up to pull Juliette's hair back. A moment later she had it tied up, with a couple loose chunks falling down in the front to frame her face... it looked amazing, how the fuck had she done that so quickly from this angle? That was an unfairly useful skill for her to have.

"I'm pretty sure you could wear a trash bag and Esme would still be foaming at the mouth." Shelby said, and Juliette rolled her eyes, stepping away from Shelby so she could hold her dresses up in front of Shelby. She was putting her entire fate into her hands... and just this once, it felt nice to give up control, because if she ended up looking bad, it wasn't her fault.

"Haha. Cute." She held up the dresses, raising an eyebrow. Shelby had a better eye for fashion, she just needed someone to tell her which one looked better on her. "Which one?" She asked, and Shelby pointed at the black one and gave her a knowing smile.

"Wear the black one, it makes your tits look amazing." Juliette paused at that, feeling her face flush. She'd never really thought about her tits in any sort of capacity, aside from how to hide them so that Samantha didn't make anymore comments on her body. It was weird to think about showing them off, to think that she would want someone to see that part of her... it felt foreign.

"Does it?" Shelby nodded, giving her a reassuring smile before she walked back over to the bed and pulled out her phone again, which Juliette was grateful for. Sure, she and Shelby got dressed in front of each other all the time and it didn't bother her, but it also never hurt to give her a bit of privacy.

"Mhm. Really perks 'em up." Perks them up. Was that even a thing? She didn't know if her breasts could qualify as perky, but it did sound like something that Esme might enjoy, so she'd take Shelby's lead on that one. She wanted to look good, she wanted to see Esme melt from looking at her, it'd be one hell of an ego boost.

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