Chapter 167

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A read through sounded like one of the worst ways that Juliette could spend her time, it just didn't sound like it was something that was going to be good for her... Like, she was pretty sure that running a marathon would be better for her mental health. Hell, there was a very large possibility that this could result in her getting into a fistfight, but she had to go.

Her coach gave her and Becky permission to miss practice, so she had to fucking go otherwise she was wasting her support, and that wasn't something that Juliette wanted to do to her coach, she was pretty nice overall. There was no way that she was going without Becky, that sounded awful, she needed her friend there, but she couldn't find her... She was very good at hiding, which wasn't surprising considering how long she'd spent in the closet...

Oh! That was a good idea, check the janitor's closets, that was a place that almost no one would look... No one but her. Juliette crept up to the janitor's closet that was in her view, turning the doorknob quietly with a self-satisfied smile when she saw the back of Becky's head. She gripped her shoulder, pulling her out of the closet as she let out a terrified shriek.

"Hey there superstar." She said, feeling Becky relax a bit as she pushed Juliette away, glaring at her, which was fair, because she would've done the exact same thing... Or she would've ended up hitting her before she even realized who it was, and she would've broken her nose. "Are you ready for the read through?" Her question made Becky roll her eyes as she sighed, straightening out her sweater as she crossed her arms across her chest.

"Clearly I am not ready for it, that would be why I was hiding from you." Becky grumbled, and Juliette chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder as she led her down the hallway away from her hiding place... She understood that urge, she wanted to do the same thing but there was no way in fucking hell that she was going to be doing this alone, so Becky could deal with not wanting to be here for her sake.

She was selfish, this was hardly news.

"I know, but we still have to. It's your girlfriend's fault." She said, which made Becky smile in spite of her attempt to scowl as she chuckled, shaking her head as she did... Cute... Fucking disgusting, but cute.

"Yeah, she's lucky that she's so fucking beautiful and amazing and that I'm so in love with her, because there is no way that I would not be doing this if I wasn't in love with her." Juliette grimaced at that... Yeah, okay it was cute at first and now she wanted to fucking kill herself... That was gross, she didn't need to hear about that, Becky could keep her love and affection all to herself, there was no reason to put it all on display.

"Mmm... Ew." Her comment made Becky shove her away but hey... Hey, it was accurate, and she had to tell her own truth, right? "What? Your devotion is fucking disgusting, you know that." She said, and Becky rolled her eyes, giving her a look... Damn, she wasn't aware that Becky had that level of animosity hiding in her body... Well, she did know that, but she wasn't ever prepared for it to come out in the way that it did, it was a little terrifying.

"You are literally the world's biggest hypocrite; do you realize that?" She asked, and Juliette nodded. That was completely accurate, she couldn't deny the truth and she wasn't going to try right now - she was so devoted to Esme that she'd give them a fucking lung if they needed it, but still... She was right.

"Oh I know... But that makes me no less correct, does it?" Juliette asked, which made Becky laugh again in spite of herself... It was really nice to see her laugh so much recently... It was a sound that had sounded foreign for a while, she liked that it was becoming something that was normal to hear.

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