Chapter Sixty Two

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There was no way in any universe that Juliette was going to cheerleading today... She'd gone yesterday and Mandy had nearly made her break her leg by not supporting her correctly, and she was fucking terrified of being anywhere near them right now.

It was almost better to just be called a slur, but when they wanted to hurt her? Juliette wasn't putting herself in harm's way for a sport that she didn't even care about... So instead she was watching Shelby practice... It seemed safer.

"What are you doing here?" She looked up, letting out a quiet sigh as she shook her head. What the fuck was Ingrid doing here? And why did she care? Shouldn't she be keeping her distance, she'd been doing a good job of it recently.

Juliette liked it a lot better when they were nowhere near each other. It made life a lot easier.

"Why the fuck do you care?" Juliette sighed, resting her chin on her hand as she watched the girls run up and down the court... She'd played basketball, she should understand the rules, but they were still a mystery to her.

Ingrid lowered herself down, sitting next to her. Juliette scooted a large distance away from her, trying not to grimace. She didn't want to breathe the same air as her.

"I was just curious." She let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head as she looked over at Juliette like they were still friends... God, what would it take for her to just leave? That was all Juliette wanted, she just never wanted to have to see Ingrid's face again. "I mean, shouldn't one of us be at practice? The one who isn't suspended for four games?" Maybe that joke would've hit better if Juliette didn't fucking despise her, but she didn't laugh. Why should she laugh with someone who was a goddamn monster?

"Hm." Ingrid sighed, shaking her head as she gripped onto the bleacher... Her patience had really gone down over the past couple of weeks, Juliette found that amusing... She'd never had much to begin with, but the conversation had hardly even happened and she was already frustrated.

"Come on. Just speak." She gestured between the two of them, like they were remotely the same... Juliette gritted her teeth. "Clearly we've both got nothing to lose." Bullshit. Juliette still had things to lose, because for whatever reason, Ingrid had taken the blame, but she was obviously still under watch.

Fine. She'd give up one piece of information, the key piece... It didn't really matter anyway.

"... Your girls suck. Do you know that?" Juliette grumbled, and Ingrid gave her a confused look. Please, like she didn't know that Katherine and Mandy shared her poisoned point of view. Rich.

"What are you talking about?" Yeah. Okay, fair they probably hadn't made it something that was well known... It was something they could privately do but most people weren't too crazy about that kind of thing.

"Katherine and Mandy. They suck. They called me a faggot in class yesterday and one of them tried to break my fucking leg." She sighed, and that was enough to silence her for a moment. Thank god, the sound of her voice was atrocious.

"What?" Ingrid looked genuinely shocked, which Juliette expected... She wasn't big on slurs or hate speech... Granted, had she outed someone? Apparently. But still... Most of the time that wasn't her style. "Jules, I had nothing to do with that." Yeah, that wasn't the problem, she wasn't thinking that Ingrid was at fault. She was just answering Ingrid's question for her so that she could be left alone.

"You know, for once I believe you. Like, you're a hypocrite, but considering you've been with more girls than I have, I wouldn't think that you'd be saying that."

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