Chapter 132

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Study sessions as a group were something that Juliette hadn't realized could be nice before this year... Like sure, she studied with Micheal and Shelby sometimes, but it was mostly just them trying to teach her concepts that she couldn't quite grasp or her editing their papers... But having Emma help her and Esme with Chemistry while Micheal worked parallel on something else was interesting.

Emma was expecting that they knew something, both her and Esme... and it was not proving to be true. Juliette often got distracted in Chemistry... or Esme worked to get her distracted and they ended up cutting class...

She really needed to pass though, and so far both her and Esme were starting to see that there was merit in that class, if the way that Esme had their head in their hands as they let out a groan was anything to go off of.

They agreed to meet at the diner, somewhere that had less distractions, and on a night when Shelby wasn't working to keep Emma focused... Shelby wasn't even here this time, instead she was on a date with Penny, so it was fully focused on studying.

... Unfortunately.

"I don't understand why we have to learn the periodic table, when am I ever going to use this in my real life? It seems useless to me." Esme sighed, and Juliette nodded, glancing over at them. Honestly, she agreed with that statement, she also found the periodic table to be pretty useless, that was why she'd never memorized it.

If she really needed to see it, she could just google it and that would be perfectly fine, right?

"It probably is unless you want to go into something involving the elements." She paused then, looking over at them with a raised eyebrow as she nudged their foot under the table. They lifted their head off their hand and looked over at her with a soft, loving smile. So pretty... Not the point. "Do you want that?" She asked, and they grimaced, sighing as they set their hand down, stretching their back with a sigh before they settled back down.

"No. I don't know what I want to go into, but I doubt it's gonna be anything relating to Chemistry, I'd end up blowing up a lab just because I'd mix the wrong shit, you know?" They asked, shrugging... Yeah. Okay, fair. Juliette felt the same way about herself. Chemistry, science... all that. It just wasn't for her, it was Shelby and Micheal's thing for sure, but not hers. "I'm just not cut out for it."

"That's fair." "For the record, I think you'd be good at anything you do." She said, watching a wide, sheepish smile spread across Esme's face as they linked their pinkies together on the table, sliding theirs up and down Juliette's making her shiver.

Even that little touch was enough to make her blush... God, she loved the feeling of their touch, it made each day feel better... Across the table, Emma cleared their throat, making her jump as she looked over to see their dumbfounded expression as they glanced between the two of them with a frown, tapping their pencil against their lip.

"Are you encouraging them to go into a career in Chemistry?" Emma asked, sounding absolutely dumbfounded at the mere idea of that. Juliette shrugged... She wasn't necessarily encouraging them to do that specifically, she doubted that either one of them would be very good at that...

But she did want them to be inspired to do whatever they wanted to do, she was pretty sure that if they really applied themself, they could probably get better at it... Would they be the best chemist in the world? Probably not, but it was still worth a shot.

"I'm just encouraging them in general." Juliette said, and Emma nodded at that, leaning back in their seat as they did... Good, they seemed to like that she was doing that, that was a good sign. She wasn't sure how she'd feel if Esme's own basically sibling wasn't in favor of them being encouraged. She'd probably have to get into a fistfight with them that she would lose.

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