Chapter 109

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Listening to the band practice was apparently relaxing enough to put Juliette to sleep, which was hilarious considering how loud their music was... But it was soothing because it was them. She liked listening to Emma's voice, it made her feel calm, and she liked hearing them laugh together between songs...

She felt like she was watching some friendship montage between people, like she was viewing the idealized friend group in real time, it was very beautiful... Granted, her eyes weren't open, but still. Plus, resting on Shelby's chest was comfortable, she liked how her hands felt on her back, how she always cradled her so carefully, it made her feel safe.

"You alright, baby?" Shelby asked, and Juliette lifted her head from her chest and nodded, smiling softly... She was completely fine, she was just really tired still. Plus, Shelby made her feel relaxed in a way that most people couldn't manage, so that wasn't helping.

It felt like she was lucky enough to be surrounded by like... A constant blanket of lavender, or some form of relaxing sedative... It was Shelby's perfume, the warmth of her skin... She was special, she always had been.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired, I don't even know why anymore." She said, and Shelby smirked, pressing a kiss to her forehead before giving her a knowing look... Hm... She wasn't too sure if she liked the look of that.

"Well, fucking your partner every night is gonna make you tired, you know." Shelby said, and Juliette sighed and shook her head... Okay, so she hadn't liked the look of that look, good to know... and it wasn't like they were fucking every single night...

Her period was overdue, they'd have to take a break soon, or at least she'd have to take a break... She wasn't sure about Esme's cycle, but she wouldn't be surprised if they were synced up by now... Maybe she'd synced with Esme and that was why hers was weird...

If she'd ever fucked someone with a dick, she'd be worried... But she hadn't, so she didn't need to freak out... Her body was just freaking out about something.

"Okay, that's an overestimation, we don't fuck every night." Juliette sighed, which earned her an eyebrow raise. Why? Why are you doing this to me right now? Why can't you just leave well enough alone? Because they never left each other well enough alone, they poked and prodded until they figured everything out.

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you didn't?" Shelby asked, and Juliette grimaced... Okay, so she didn't actually have a good answer to that that wasn't 'when I was with you guys in LA, because that made it sound like that was all they did... It was just something fun, something nice... She liked being intimate with Esme, and it wasn't always sex... Sometimes it was just an intimate encounter.

She wanted to know all of Esme, she wanted to have what made them tick memorized, she wanted to be able to make them fall apart with a single glance, was that so bad?

"Uh... Well... Don't ask me confusing questions, you know I buckle under pressure." Juliette mumbled, a blush rising to her cheeks as looked away from Shelby, who snorted... Bastard.

She really just took so much pleasure in making fun of Juliette about this kind of stuff, if she was anyone else in the entire world, it would annoy Juliette, but she loved Shelby way too much to be annoyed at her...

That was a lie, but it was a sweet lie, so she'd pretend that it wasn't one.

"That was not a confusing question." Shelby said, sounding far too amused for her own good. Juliette rolled her eyes as she gave Shelby a look.

She was sharing a bed almost constantly with Esme, they were bound to be a bit more physical than they were when she was mostly living at home, that was just... To be expected. And if either of them wanted to take a break from it, they would... But it was nice.

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