Chapter Ninety Five

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Were Juliette not obligated to be at the fucking Christmas play, she'd be spending the night on top of Esme... God, that sounded a thousand times better than watching a bunch of snot nosed kids act out the same tired scenes that she'd done as a child... There was only one upside.

And that was that they'd all decided to dress a little nice, so she got to see Esme all dressed up... Another downside was trying to force earrings into her half closed earlobes... It'd work, it was just fucking painful... She blinked the tears out of her eyes as it finally went in and sighed, resting against the dresser. Perfect.

"Are you almost ready in here, sweetheart?" Juliette looked over to the doorway with a smile, feeling her heart skip in her chest when she saw Esme leaning there. They looked stunning, suits always looked good on them... And there was something about the green tie against the black of her shirt and jacket that just pulled it all together... Truly, Juliette was pretty sure that Esme had never looked more handsome in their life. It was a real shame that it was being wasted on a church thing. Esme let out a low whistle and pushed off the door, walking over to slide their arms around her waist. "You look stunning... Do you feel stunning?" They asked, sliding her hair to the side to kiss lightly under her ear. Juliette swallowed a groan as she smiled, leaning her head back as she brought a hand around to cup the side of Esme's face. God, this fucking girl...

"I feel... Like I can sit through a Christmas play. That's the main goal of this." Juliette murmured, and Esme lifted their head again, looking at how they matched together in the mirror... It was a beautiful sight, Juliette could hardly blame them for staring, she was doing plenty of that herself... They looked so fucking perfect together, it felt like there was no other explanation aside from a divine plan.

"I really like how you look when you're all dressed up." Esme murmured, leaving a series of soft kisses on Juliette's cheek as they squeezed their arms a little tighter around her waist, rocking them gently back and forth. Juliette chuckled and placed her hands over Esme's, enjoying the pressure and the love. "You're beautiful all the time, but something about it makes my heart feel like it could fall right out of my chest, you know? Your beauty is something special." Esme said, making Juliette smile to herself as she blushed deeply. God, how could Esme be so charming? How was that even possible?

"Thank you, my love." Juliette turned around in their arms and cupped their face, leaning in to kiss them softly, enjoying the warmth of their lips and the way that their face followed hers when they separated. "You look very handsome tonight... and you smell really good, what is that?" Juliette asked, appreciating the woodsy sort of smell... It was different from what she was used to, but it was a really sexy scent, and she could tell that Esme appreciated the compliment that they got on it from the way that they beamed.

"It's a special perfume that Francesca got me for my birthday... She told me it was from my mom, but my mom had already given me my birthday gift, which was a quiet dinner at home... It's all I want from her every year, because we don't get to spend as much time together as I want." Esme explained, and that made Juliette smile... It was sweet that that was the only thing that Esme ever wanted from her mother was to just spend more time together... Having a good parental relationship sounded nice, and it made Juliette's heart ache that she'd probably never experience that in her lifetime.

Also... Francesca... Juliette had been thinking about her a lot since their meeting, and she still wasn't quite sure what to think. She seemed perfectly nice, but she was basically Emma if Emma actually killed people which was... Terrifying. Very sweet, very dangerous.

"Francesca's... Interesting." Juliette said carefully, not wanting to sound like she had any ill will against her, because she didn't. She thought she was cool overall, even if she was scary. Esme chuckled and shook her head, seeming to understand where Juliette was coming completely.

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