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The whole week was busy, but I had closed the shop for Saturday. The whole week, I did nothing but work and sleep. I need to hire a pastry chef and more waitstaff. I was worn out. Ace and Ares tried to have stuff brought over each day, but their money went to the shelter each night. I placed an ad online for more workers and set up interviews for tomorrow. I sat through my college graduation as two of my parents watched in the audience. I was more than happy that all seven of them couldn't come. After the ceremony, two of my fathers, Andrew and Darius, took me out to celebrate by a shopping spree. It wasn't fun for me as they proceeded to pick out a bunch of clothes, mostly dresses, and buy them. It wasn't until the twenty-seventh store that I found something that I thought was worth commenting on to them. "I like this," I said, fingering the shiny black sequin dress with one long sleeve.  They were so happy I liked something they bought it before animatedly shopping more. As they were distracted, I grabbed another drool worthy dress that they would not approve of in the least bit, but mom would let me buy still. They hit three more shops before they took me to dinner. I tried to get them to just let me cook for us, but of course not. It's my graduation we needed to go somewhere nice to celebrate. So we ended up at some fancy restaurant with food you can't pronounce. I ended up pushing food around on my plate before they took me home, and they headed to the airport to go home.

I took a nap before showering and putting on the dress I snuck into the shopping trip. It was a tight black lace cut-out dress with a collar around my neck. The only parts that were solid fabric were the cups for my breasts and the band around my hips to cover my privates. Its length was to my mid thighs. I paired it with my red bottom high heels. My money for the night went in one cup of the top, and my key went into the other cup. I decided to use red lipstick tonight before I caught a cab to the club. Once again, there was no line to the club, but I was let in anyway. I went right to the bar where Ryan was. "Well, you look like a walking felony tonight, girly," Ryan said dramatically, fanning his face. "So you like? My fathers bought it for me, unknowingly to them, but it still counts since they drug me through thirty stores." I said with a cheeky smile. "Why are you alone back there tonight?" I asked before he could say anything. "Some new guys didn't show up. It sucks because we are going to get really busy soon," Ryan said, slightly upset. "I'll help you out tonight. Just give me a crash course where things are," I said with an inviting smile. "I can't let you behind the bar. I would get fired for a customer being back here." He said ruefully. "Okay, is it another member's only night?" I questioned. "Yes, but it's different than last week," he said but didn't elaborate as the crowd started to grow in the club.

I stayed at the bar watching as Ryan got swamped, and several customers got angry at the wait. It was after a rather rude customer that I was fed up with it and irritated at the club manager for not calling in any other staff. I stood on top of my seat before climbing on top of the bar. Then, walking around to the area with an opening inside and hopped down behind the bar. The entire bar area had gone quiet at my little stunt. "I'll help get your drinks out. However, if you are anything but pleasant, I will take your money, make your drink, and throw it in your face. Nobody likes a jerk, so don't be one." I said with a smile and a wink. It was going fine as I helped Ryan. We had managed to get through a good majority of the crowd.

I moved onto a new customer, but he was the first one who decided it was okay to be rude. So with a sickly sweet smile I took his money, gave him his change, made his drink, and threw it in his face before saying "Thank you! Come again!" Ryan stared at me, shocked that I did it. As a roar of outrage came from the rude man. He threatened to get the owner, and all I could do was agree, saying, "Oh please do. I'd love to have a chat with the owner." He got even more mad when I moved on to the next customer and actually gave them the drink they ordered. I continued making drinks until the crowd was completely gone at the bar before taking a seat on the other side and was talking with Ryan once more.

"How did you know how to make the drinks so well? I've had trainees that took a month and couldn't remember half of them." Ryan asked, impressed. "I got bored staying home and not being allowed to do anything, so I learned how to mix drinks with my older brothers when they were in college. I was rather young at the time but my parents didn't know since they were away for the weekend." I answered with a smile. As I heard the rude man from before exclaim, "Not only did she have the audacity to throw my drink on me now, she's sitting down on the job!" I couldn't contain my laughter as I heard him whine like a petulant child. I turned the stool around and found myself looking at Alec next to the rude man. "So you're the owner?" I questioned with a raise of my brow. "What are you doing here, Dari?" He asked in return. "Well, originally, I came here to dance, but Ryan here was left all alone behind the bar with a large impatient crowd who got quite rude. So, I climbed up on top of your bar and walked right across it until I could jump down behind the bar. Then, I warned everyone present what would happen if they were anything but pleasant. We managed to make it two-thirds of the way through the crowd without anyone else being a jerk. That was until Mr. Rude, man, next to you, decided to call me an inappropriate name and yell at me for his wait. So I made him pay for his drink before I made it and carried out what I said I would do." I explained.

"Which is?" Alec pressed. "I threw it in his face. Then, I told him thank you, come again. He threatened to get the owner, and I encouraged him to do so. I'd love to know why you left your bartender alone when two additional bartenders were supposed to be here. I'm also expecting some appreciation for my help tonight." I said with a smile. "What did he call you?" Alec questioned. "The same thing as the man last week," I answered. I watched his steely resolve break ever so slightly before he said, "Will you wait here for a few minutes? I'll be back to talk to you again." "But the bar is empty, and I want to dance," I said with an unintentional pout. "Five minutes, please, you can dance here if you want," Alec said. My eyes lit up as I agreed, and he walked away gripping the rude man's shoulder.

I climbed on top of the bar and started to dance as I said "bucket list" to Ryan, who shook his head at me with a laugh. "I'd love to see what else is on there," he responded. I didn't respond as I danced to the music. "Buttercup, you're drawing a crowd," Ryan said. "Don't care as long as they don't touch," I said, still dancing to the sultry song that was playing. The song finished just as I heard the manager's voice asking what's going on here before he started yelling at Ryan to get me off the bar. I looked over in that direction to see Alec and the manager at the other end of the bar. I intentionally pouted as I walked towards them. Once I was in front of them, I said, "But he told me to dance here." The manager thought I meant Ryan and went off on Ryan, who held his hands up as Alec crooked his finger, gesturing me closer. I listened going forward until he gently lifted me up off the bar and onto the ground in front of him. "Gerald, she was talking about me. Dari, you can question him about where the other bartenders are. Staffing and client relations is his job," Alec said, stepping back. "Well, Gerald, where are the two other bartenders? While you explain that you can also explain why you would put two new bartenders on in a busy night together. Then, explain why there were no replacements called in. Then, explain why you weren't down here to help Ryan with the busy crowd. Finally, you can explain why the owner was not notified." I demanded.

He started to explain to me when I stopped him with "Oh no, not to me. You can explain your shortcomings at your job to the one you work for and the one you left hanging." I went back behind the bar, making Ryan go over to his bosses while I took over behind the bar. I served up the drinks without any problems. I put all the tips into the tip jar for Ryan under the counter. I just cleaned the bar when Ryan came back, and Alec asked to talk to me. I looked at him, then back at the growing crowd around the bar. "You want to talk start mixing drinks or get him some more help," I said, placing down another drink. I continued to mix drinks until two more people came behind the bar dressed the same as Ryan. They started taking drink orders right away. So, I finished the drink I was on before putting the tip in the jar under the bar. "You'll be okay now, Ryan?" I asked as I went over to him. Ryan set the drink he finished down before looking behind me. "Yes, thank you so much! Don't forget to take your tips," Ryan said. "No problem, but I don't want the tips. You can keep them," I said, walking over to the waiting Alec. "You wanted to talk?" I asked. "Will you come to my office?" He questioned. At my nod, he started to lead the way as I followed.

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