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It has been six months since I left my family's ball. Ace, Alec, and Ares have been wonderful to me. Honestly, it seemed too good to be true. I was in their club when things started to go south. They were unaware I was there as it was another member's only night and I had snuck in once again. We've never pushed our relationship to be more physical than kissing and never set anything up to explore a bdsm relationship with each other. So when I walked into the club, I was not expecting to see Ace and Ares with a woman clinging to each of them while a woman was kneeling at Alec's feet. I felt my heart breaking at the sight. I turned and left not wanting an explanation. The next day, I arranged for Knox to take over my coffee house as the boss full-time. I left all of my properties under the care of Mrs. Lane and Betsy entrusting them to be in good hands. I pulled out a decent chunk of cash from the bank before hailing a cab and driving out of the city. I switched from the cab to a bus. I rode for a while before getting off at a random city before hailing another cab.

I kept randomly switching transportation frequently. I didn't want them to follow me, nor did I want my family to come after me now that I left the safety of New York. In my opinion, I was in a since now running for the life I want to live. I finally stopped in a smaller city for the night. I bought a new burner phone and rented a room at a small bed and breakfast for the night, I showered and went to sleep. I woke up early and left before anyone else could wake up. I rode the public transportation bus to the airport. I picked a ticket to Atlanta, Georgia having already been interested in the area for business. I paid cash and used forged documents to get a ticket using my middle name, Angelina.

Atlanta was a small pit stop for me. I met with a few smaller companies looking for investors gaining a majority stock of their businesses under the name Angelina Dominic. I stayed in Atlanta for a few days. I went shopping at some more basic department stores for some clothes and a suitcase. I left Atlanta by plane heading across the country to Los Angeles, California. This is the second largest city in the United States, and I planned on hiding in plain sight here. All that's left to do now is figure out how I want to settle in.

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