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At ten till ten there was a knock on my door. I opened it to be met with Ace. I was not ready in my lavender silk robe. I apologized to Ace in a long winded rambling of words admitting I had no idea what to wear because I didn't know where we were going or what we were doing. I ended on "Can you pick?" "Pick what dove," Ace questioned. I didn't answer opting to pull him to my bedroom and pointing to my open closet door. "Do you want me to pick out clothes for you, dove?" Ace asked with a smile stretching across his face. I nodded my head yes. He didn't hesitate to go into my closet. He came back out with a dusty rose knee-length turtle neck cable knit sweater dress. I took it from him heading back into my closet and put it on with my sneakers. When I walked back out he was looking at the red splatter painting on the wall. "It's called 'Blood Will Rain' my mother painted it before she got pregnant. I've always liked the painting but I've never liked the title." I stated. "You look beautiful dove. Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded my head yes and let him lead me out of the building and into the back of his waiting car and driver. I tried to think nothing of it when I saw the poorly concealed gun. I was fidgeting with my fingers as I convinced myself that it was just because of being a successful businessman.

When we stopped at a culinary school I was a little confused. Ace lead me inside and to an empty classroom. A moment later a nervous woman entered greeting us while informing me of his last name. She stuttered through the introduction I'm sure she's done many times before. I lit up with excitement, none the less, asking "A cooking class, really?" "Yes, unless you don't like it," Ace confirmed. "I love it! I can cross it off my bucket list!" I said with excitement. We spent the lesson listening to the instructor and working together to make the food. There wasn't a lot of talking between us but I didn't really mind. Sharing the small kitchenette with him was more like a dance in my opinion and here he let me take the lead unlike our short dance on the dance floor at the club months ago. At the end of the class we got to pack up the food into a picnic basket before leaving. "We're going on a picnic?" I questioned in excitement. "Not us dove. Ares is waiting for you at your next date. Jett will drive you there." Ace said placing the basket in the backseat. "Did you enjoy our date, dove?" Ace inquired. "Very much," I answered. Ace hugged me to him and I reveled in the comfort he brings me. Once he let go he handed me into the car. "Have fun with Ares, dove. I'll see you for dinner tonight," Ace said as goodbye before shutting the door.

I was glad when the car stopped at its destination as Jett was glaring at me in the review mirror constantly. I was helped out of the car by Ares who brought my hand up to his lips placing a kiss on the back of it before grabbing the picnic basket. "Hello, flower. Are you ready for our date?" Ares asked. At my nod of approval he lead me to the horse drawn carriage waiting fifty feet from the central park entrance. I was helped into the carriage and covered up with the thick blanket immediately by Ares. Ares and I held light conversation as we ate before Ares took it apon himself to feed me chocolate cake that he bought from my coffee house. It was adorable that he was so nervous that I wouldn't like it because I didn't make it, but I assured him that I'd eat something made at my coffee house. The carriage ride was lovely from start to finish and filled with conversation throughout. Ares was quite the charmer of the three. When were were back to the car he placed a kiss to my forehead before saying, "I had a wonderful time flower. I hope you did too. Jett is going to drive you to your date with Alec." He kissed my forehead once more before wrapping me in his arms. I felt cherished with the sweet gesture it made my heart melt more before he placed me into the car.

Jett's glare was even worse this time but I ignored it. Alec opened the door and helped me out of the car. "Hello poppet, do you know how waltz?" Alec asked leading me inside a dance studio. "Yes, I learned most types of ballroom dancing growing up," I answered. "Well then we'll learn something different together," Alec stated as another nervous instructor came into the room. Alec chose for us to learn a contemporary dance that left me breathless as he manhandled me to make a masterpiece of art by the time we were done hours later. Once again there was very little talking but the dancing was more than enough. I was thankful that Alec had got me different clothes to dance in. "What's your favorite dance that you already know?" Alec asked after I had switched my clothes. "The waltz," I answered honestly. "It's the first dance I learned with Pops. I was five. At the time, I wanted to be a ballerina. He signed himself up for dance lessons so he could take Nonna out dancing and asked me to be his partner. I loved the lessons so much it became our thing for almost an entire year before it stopped. After that my parents became over protective when they found out I had CIP and I could no longer stand to be touched," I elaborated. "You get touched by others when you dance at the club," Alec pointed out. "I know but I've never tried to dance with him again. I'm afraid to ruin the happy memories of that with a panic attack," I explained. "That's understandable, poppet, but one panic attack now won't take away the happy memories from your childhood. We will be back to get you in an hour," Alec stated as we arrived at my apartment. He helped me out of the car watching as I walked into the building.

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