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His office was on the second floor right before a set of large mahogany arched doors. I entered after him and watched as he stood straighter, and his stance broadened as he walked to his desk. He turned to face me, ordering, "Sit," as he gestured to the seat before him as he leaned against his desk. I was attracted to this mountain of a man, I could not lie, especially with this change in demeanor. I sat before him and stayed quiet, waiting for him to start. "First, I don't know how you've managed to get into my club on the two of the members only nights this month, but it needs to stop, or you need to become a member. Second, you didn't freak out on either night by what you've seen. Are you a part of the community? Third, you do not dance on top of my bar in public again. I would have punished you if you were a member here. Fourth, do not throw drinks on people again. If you have a problem tell me, my brothers, or Gerald." He chastised me.

I sat silently, unsure if that was all he had or not. "Answer my question," he demanded sternly. "You're bouncer, let me in. It's the same one this week as last week. I'm not exactly a member of the BDSM community, but I'm familiar with it. I know some people in the community. I could never actively participate." I answered, looking down at my lap with a slight pout on my face. He grasped my chin, making me look up at him before speaking, "You'll show me the bouncer you're talking about. You sound upset when you said you could never actively participate in the BDSM community. Why?" "I can't feel pain. I have a medical condition that makes it impossible to feel pain called CIP. So, even if I wanted to be in the community, I can't." I answered. "There is more to this lifestyle than pain," he said slightly offended. "I know that, but how would you punish someone like me. I can't tell you a safe word when I've reached my limits because I would have none beyond just what I wouldn't do. Most of which I wouldn't do for the safety of my health. For example, I can't use ropes because I could actually hurt myself struggling in them too much. I'd make myself bleed before I would know to stop, and that's only if I can see the blood so I know I'm not just sweaty. I can feel the difference between hot and cold or dull and sharp, but I can't tell what is too hot, too cold, or too sharp. I know that BDSM is more than pain. It is a lot more than pain. There is a trust so strong involved in it as in some cases you either have someone's life in your hands or have your life in someone else's hands. I apologize if I came off as offensive," I stated. "There are other ways than pain that we could punish you for misbehaving." He stated, and my jaw dropped open.

I sat there in stunned silence and couldn't help but wonder who he meant by we. He walked behind his desk before he pulled out two different stacks of paper. "Are you interested in becoming a member?" He questioned, setting one stack of paperwork on the side of his desk closer to me before sitting in his chair behind the desk with another stack. "What does it get me?" I asked, making no move towards the paperwork. "You will be allowed access to the BDSM area of the club and be allowed into the club on members only nights." He informed me. "And if I don't?" I asked. "If you don't become a member and I find you here again on a members only night, we will show you how we can punish you without pain." He stated with a grin that held a promise. "What's that pile of paperwork in front of you?" I asked. "This is a bdsm contract and the rules of all three parts of the club." He said, sliding it across the desk to me. I stood up and grabbed that pile of paperwork. "I still expect some appreciation for my help tonight, but it's late, and I have to go get ready before my job candidates arrive for their interviews. Have a nice night," I said, walking out with the paperwork in my hand.

I had gone home showered and changed into a mint green baby doll dress before heading to my coffee house. I interviewed several people for the jobs making notes on each. After the last interview, I called and asked for a couple of the chefs to come back for the second part on different days. I called three people offering them jobs in the waitstaff, only one of whom accepted. I had extra pastries that I asked Theo to run to the shelter as I cleaned up the kitchen. I was drying off my hands when I heard a knock on the shop's door. I was pleasantly surprised seeing Ryan at the door. I walked out and locked up the shop. "Hi Ryan," I greeted, putting the key back in my sneaker. "I came to give you your tips," he said, reaching for his pocket. "I don't want them, Ryan," I stated, starting to walk away.

Dari's DelightsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora