Chapter 5

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As I was travelling back home I had this feeling that something was off

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As I was travelling back home I had this feeling that something was off. I couldn't pin point it but I kept feeling that. I try to ignore it as much as I could but you know that if something like this happens 90 percent chances are you get to see something bad or it happens with you. Well, with me this time I got to see it.

After driving for an hour and half I see something by the road side but wasn't sure what it was. As I came closer I saw it was not something rather someone lying face down. I was a bit scared as it could be a trap too; you never know. So, I took a deep breath, stopped my car and got out of it. As I walk towards that body I also make sure to stay alert of my surroundings too. I'm a little nervous to touch the person but I had to do something to make sure the person is fine. " It's okay Hazel, everything will be fine" I kept chanting the mantra to make me feel better.

I shut all the thoughts and squat down near the body. "Sir, are you okay? Sir, can you hear me?" I called the person to get some response but got any. So I decided to turn the person around and what I saw next took my breath away. This guy, who could be in his 20's or so, was covered in a lot of blood and bruises. I immediately checked his pulse and it was there means he was alive.

Therefore, I immediately started getting him to sitting position so I could drag him to my car as this guy was big and bulky. "Damn, what do you eat boy? You pig." This dude is definitely one of those fitness fantastic or gymaholic whatever you like to call. By the time I settled him in my car back seat I was huffing like a stupid dog. "Flipping hell!! I need to start working out" I said to myself.

Then, I promptly opened the drivers side got in the car to go back home. You guys might be wondering why she's not taking him to hospital? So let's get to facts.
1. It's around 2 at night.
2. Hospital in this town is like in another country and the staff is crap there.
3. I have a general experience with all this as I had experienced this.
4. Going to hospital means involving police which means a lot of stupid questions which I'm definitely not in mood to answer.
5. Last and not least by judging whole situation I can definitely tell someone beat him up like an old punching bag and left him by the road to die. So, the best option is my place.

Within 20 minutes I was outside my apartment and thankfully I live on ground floor which means I can use the back entrance. But first, I hacked into all the cameras from my phone for safety purposes. I know I'm taking a risk but I have this intuition that he's a good guy and I have always trusted my instincts which are 95 percent of the time are right.

I took him out of the car again and this time he groaned "Sorry sir, but I'm like a twig as compared to you. So, please cooperate with me I promise I will be as much gentle as I can" With all my strength, that I had, I dragged him into my apartment and into my bedroom. Then, I immediately got to work I got few face towels and warm water and started cleaning him up by removing his clothes as they were very very very dirty. As I was cleaning him I noticed that most of the blood was dried and there where no serious injuries but I think his ribs are bruised or broken. So, I gently cleaned him up and left him in his boxers which I think are bit cleaned then most of this clothes.

After patching him up, I went into my closet and got out my big baggy shirts one for him and other for myself

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After patching him up, I went into my closet and got out my big baggy shirts one for him and other for myself. After putting that shirt on him which I say was still loose on him I went to washroom to clean myself up. It was already 4 in the morning so I decided to text Jane that I won't be coming for work and gave an excuse that I'm having a bad headache. I know she won't say anything because I hardly take any days off.

After that I went into my kitchen and drank 2 glasses of water. Then, I took one extra pillow and blanket out of the closet and set it on the couch in living room. Before laying down, I again went to check in the guy. I don't know why but I tucked him properly I don't know why I helped him like this and came here with. I could have left him there by the road like that too but I choose to help him so that he can live. May be because of the reason I know what it feels like to loose someone so I didn't want his family to face it.

By looking at his clothes that are still on the ground in the corner of the my room, I can say one thing that he could belong to rich background as the tag on his shirt shows it's branded. I wish he had a phone or anything on him so I could inform his family who definitely would be worried about him.

I sighed loudly and got to living room and lay on the couch. Now I could feel myself being super tired that I didn't realized earlier. So, by shutting all thoughts down and eyes too I drifted to sleep.

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