Chapter 11

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The whole Barone family was sitting on dining table to have their breakfast.

(I always feel that pictures can elaborate the situation well so here is their sitting positions also remember that their grandparents live with them)

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(I always feel that pictures can elaborate the situation well so here is their sitting positions also remember that their grandparents live with them)

Armando: Niccolo I asked you to get background file on Hazel have you done that?
The whole family started looking between father and son.
Niccolo: Yes papa. Hold on I'll bring it.

He quickly went in work room and got the file to give it to his father. Armando kept looking at it for some time.

Armando: Theirs nothing off about her in this.
Alford: what you mean?
Armando: I know know padrè but I have this feeling that we are miss something very important.
Edwaldo: did she called you back after that day?
Armando: no, but I'm planning to visit her tomorrow.
All the boys: I'll go with you

They all looked at each other and smirked. As well as Armando and Alford. Genoveva on the other hand felt confused.

Genoveva: what are you all talking about?
Achille: remember the girl who saved this idiota last week.
Genoveva: yes
Achille: well papa think that we should have a background check on her. However, they haven't got anything so far except that she is orphan and was adopted 4 times. She moved here when she was 12 and she have been living alone since then.
Also she work in some bakery.
Edwaldo: she also do coding or programming.
They all looked at him.
Santino: and how do you know that?
Edwaldo: she told me herself that day.
Genoveva : why don't we invite her to dinner or lunch tomorrow.
Armando : yeah that's a good idea. What do you think padrè?
Aldord: hmm.. okay
Edwaldo: let me call her now so we don't forget to invite her.
Gabriele: do you have her number.
Edwaldo: yes, I saved it the day I came back from papa's phone.
In response Gabriele just rolled his eyes.
Edwaldo: keep rolling them and you'll find your brain back there.
All of them laughed at that and Gabriele narrowed his eyes to see Edwaldo. Then Edwaldo called Hazel but she didn't pick up. He tried it again after 5 minutes again and this time she picked it but was out if breath.

Hazel: Hello..... ( she said while huffing and puffing)  Edwaldo put the call on speaker to signal everyone to a look which shows to stay alert.
Edwaldo: Hi Hazel
Hazel: who's this?
Edwaldo: it's me the guy you saved last week.
Hazel: oh hi... how are you now?
Edwaldo: I'm good now. All thanks to you.
Hazel: what about your ribs. Were they broken? Any other serious injuries?
Edwaldo: Yeah... one rib is broken but rest is minor.
Hazel: Good to know.
Edwaldo: what were you doing?
Hazel: oh I was out for running.
Edwaldo: I didn't know you like running.
Hazel: yeah... I do it sometimes to clear my head.
Edwaldo: I didn't know you had head also.
Hazel: actually I don't, that's why I thought you were a Barbie and gave you my Barbie shirt. But I must say it suits you better.

The whole table was not having hard time to control their laugh. And Edwaldo was pissed now.

Hazel: well... I'm pretty sure you didn't called me to get humiliate in front of whole family now?
Edwaldo: how do you know that?
Hazel: because the phone is on speaker and people are laughing.
Edwaldo: How do you know that?

This time Edwaldo's mouth hung open plus everyone on the table were also interested to know the answer.

Hazel: First, it doesn't take a genius to know that if you are talking on the phone and other person's voice keep repeating back it means the phone on other line is on speaker and second, if you are born with less brain it doesn't mean everyone else is.

This time whole table starts laughing loudly as they couldn't control their laugh anymore. Whole family was impressed to see that there is someone on this planet who can make Edwaldo's mouth shut. With whole situation Edwaldo was now more pissed at her. So taking the opportunity Santino picked the phone.

Santino: Hello.. Hazel, Santino here.
Hazel: Oh Hello Mr. Santino.
Santino: Please call me Santino only. Plus we've called you to ask if you are free tomorrow? My family and I like to invite you for lunch tomorrow.
Hazel: what? But why? I sorry. It's just that you spoke so suddenly for it.
Santino: Hazel, please let us invite you to show our gratitude for what you have done. I insist.
Hazel: But I don't know where you guys live.
Santino: Don't worry about that my driver will pick up by 12 if you agree.
Hazel: ummm... okay... sure.
Santino: alright then we'll see you tomorrow.
Hazel: okay bye. Tc
Santino: bye you too.

And the call was disconnected. Alford kept looking at Santino and the phone

Alford: How old is she again?
Armando: 16
Alford: I like her. She's clever and spiritosa.
Gabriele: I don't know about that nonno but I'm glad that there is someone in this universe who can make Edwaldo's mouth shut.
He said while smirking and all other's smiled at that.
Genoveva: Alight I have to decide what to tell the cooks for lunch tomorrow. Oh mio dio..!!!! We don't even know if she is allergic to something.
Edwaldo: Mushrooms
Genoveva: What really!!?
Niccolo: Again how do you know that as well?
Edwaldo: When the next day she asked me before making something for me to eat she asked me. And when I told her she was surprised and said me too in vey low voice but I heard her.
Genoveva: Okay then, I'll decide what to tell the cooks.

With that everyone got up from their seats and went in different directions to do their routines.

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