Chapter 55

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We humans tend to have our own opinions about things that we see or hear

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We humans tend to have our own opinions about things that we see or hear. For example, if we see an elephant in front of us we have this thought going on in own head that we have to maintain distance from it otherwise it can hurt us. Well, same thing goes with human beings. We make our own perception based on the looks. When I first met with my brothers, even though I didn't know they were my brothers at that time, I thought they are very much like hulks from whom everyone is scared of. There won't be anything on this planet that could even scare them off. But oh boy!, how wrong I was.

When we heard the screaming we instantly knew who it was because based on plan only one person would be screaming like kid at the moment and that was none other than Gabrielle. When Lorenzo and I went in his room I couldn't believe that it was Gabrielle. He was scared like shit and on top of the was hugging Santino like a koala. He was pushing Gabrielle down from his hips but it seems like he wouldn't get down at all.
"Get off from me you idiot." Santino said with annoyed face.
"No, there is a freaking spider on my bed. I'm not going near that damn thing."
"Fine but get off from me. And behave like a normal person."
"Gabrielle... behave and get down." Father scolded him but that stubborn glue was still stick to his brother. Luckily I had my phone with me so I took a picture of both of them but as you know when was the last time my luck was with me? I forgot that my phone was not on silent so you can guess what happened next. Yup they heard it every person in the room did. Their stares did make me nervous for a minute but then I composed myself and said.
"What!!? This is much funnier than a comedy movie."
"Delete that damn phone Hazel." Gabrielle said in angry tone. I know if I don't run the horses of my brain he will take away my phone to delete that picture. So I did the most stupid thing anyone could think of. I got near his bed and picked up that fake spider.
"Aaaaaaaaaaa..... keep that stupid thing down Hazel." Gabrielle said nervously.
"Hehehe.... what a big mafia boy who weighs around elephant is scared of a small spider?" Hearing that everyone in the room was either shocked or were laughing at my bold words.
"Did you just compared me with an elephant?"
"Yes dear brother, I very much did." I said while laughing.
He looked at me for a second and his eyes winked even more when he saw me holding that spider, then he got down from Santino's hips and marched to toward me.
"You are the one who's doing all these stupid pranks with us, aren't you?"  Did I just blow my cover? Oh yes, I pretty much did but who cares?

"Wow.... took you long enough to figure it out. And you know what I'm not going to back down till I'm satisfied enough. I'm going to make all of your life a living hell till the day I move out." Some wise person once said, don't let your anger overpower you because then you'll either hurt someone or spill out the beans. It took me few seconds to register to what I've said. Also, I really wanted to keep this moving out thing suspension till the day of it.
"Hold on a second, what did you just said? Moving out!." It was as if I've announced my pregnancy news and they all are beyond shocked, especially Santino because he was the one who only noticed this thing and asked me.
"You heard it right."
"You are not going anywhere." This time it was our father who replied with a raised voice.
"A nd why not?"
"Because we are your family. We've just found you and now you want stay away from us again?"
"Out of all of them, you are the one saying this. You, who didn't even had the guts to look into my eyes for more than 2 seconds. You, who didn't even cared to talk to me."
I could see the hurt in his eyes. I could clearly see that though my words were sharp but true, have hurt him.

He walked slowly from his position to where I am standing and pulled his hand forward towards me. I was on high alert at the moment. I have this feeling that he won't hurt me but considering my past I couldn't help but keep thinking about it.
When I kept looking at his face and movements for a minute or two and feel it's safe now I gave him a questioning look to why he is showing me his hand.
"Why don't you first come down from the beg cara?"
"Oh!" I said and held his hand to get down from the bed. He then sat on the bed and patted the space besides him. I sat down and looking at that nonno and nana too sat on the couch near the bed. My father was still holding my hand in his hands.

"My little girl, I know that what I did, what we all did is not expectable and even if we give you any excuses to justify our actions, it will be not be counted. But I still want to let you know that I'm beyond grateful that we have a little princess with us. We are grateful that you are a part of our life. I know that I couldn't become a better husband for your mother and you have no idea how much I'm regretting it. I wish, that day I had believed your mother then you'd be born in this house. You could have been happy from the beginning. We could have seen you grow up with your brothers. I could've seen you take your first step to walk. I could've seen you go to your first day at school. I could've seen a lot more but just because of my one decision I made you live in so much pain for so many years."

As he was saying all this his eyes were filled with tears. I could see so much pain in it. He got from the bed and kneeled down in front of me. His actions took me off guard.
"I'm so sorry cara, I'm so sorry. Please don't leave us now. You can stay angry for as long as you want. You can keep doing all these pranks with us for as long as you want but please, please cara don't leave us now. I'm afraid, I won't be able to live with that knowing I could've given you all you deserve but just because I was a coward and couldn't tell you how much I love you, how much important you are to all of us I lost you just like your mother."

His sincere apology made me realise one thing, I have a father who have just known about my existence but he loves me more than his life. Will it make me an asshole, if I still stayed angry with him? All I ever wanted was a family but am I throwing it all away just because of my anger? Will it make me a bad person? Will it make me a bad daughter who couldn't get over with her anger and hurt her family even more than they are right now? I looked at nonno who was looking at us with an expression that I'm not able to pinpoint. I kept looking at him for some support, for some clue that could tell me that I should listen to what my heart wants. I don't know how but he understood what I was asking and very lightly nodded his head for me to know only. I got up from the bed and kneeled in front of my father. I bought my both hand up to his face and held it in my soft palms.
"You are not going to ever kneel in front of me like that. I was so worked up about my own issues and anger that I couldn't even see how hurt you have been. Please forgive me............ dada."

He was stunned hearing it, everyone was. I'm tired too, I want to be loved by my family. I know there are some problems in the air but it can be fixed as time goes by. I don't want to become a person who cannot give second chances. I'm better than this. I don't want to be labelled as a bad daughter who got into her anger that she broke her own family just because of her anger. Mamma told me to listen my heart. So, that's what I'm going to do. Hearing my words, my father broke down into more tears. I couldn't see him hurting himself like this so on instinct I hugged him. I could feel the love in this hug, I could feel the warmth that I was yearning for my whole life. He broke the hug after few minutes and kissed my forehead.
"My little girl please don't give up on us...... I beg you."
"I won't go anywhere leaving you alone dada."
"You promise?" He asked showing me his pinky finger. That made me and everyone in the room laugh.
"I promise.......... dada."
He again held me tight in his arms and kissed my head.
"You calling me dada is the best thing ever." Hearing him say that I realised that how much me calling him dada means.
"It means we all are forgiven too?" You know that one person in the family who couldn't live without ruining a moment, well ladies and gentlemen my idiot of brother Niccolo decided to be one. How can he say that.
"And why did you get that idea?"
"Because you hugged dad and call him dada."
"Yes, I did. But what does it have to do with you all?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Shit......." he replied and I know all my brothers got their reply too.

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