Chapter 50

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They say that we should always think positive and do good deeds in our lives but what if staying positive and doing good deeds will only bring sadness and hurt in your life? Will it make you a bad person if you want to go opposite to the way you h...

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They say that we should always think positive and do good deeds in our lives but what if staying positive and doing good deeds will only bring sadness and hurt in your life? Will it make you a bad person if you want to go opposite to the way you have been in your life till now? I don't think so. I don't think it's bad idea to have little fun in your life. I guess you will like the movie I'm going to show you all now. So, stay tuned.

After getting back to my room I decided to take a nap to recharge myself for my upcoming battle.

I woke up after few hours and checked the time. There is still few hours to dinner so got to the washroom to freshen up and decided to go out to bring something. Luckily captain Rick was home and gave me ride. I was done buying the stuff that I needed and was home by 7:15 which was great because nobody was was home except workers.

I got upstairs and looked at the doors to all the rooms. As I'm told this first room should be Niccolo's. I opened door and turned on the lights. The view in front of me had me wondering if I am in wrong room.

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This room looks more like a 10 years old rather than a 21 years old

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This room looks more like a 10 years old rather than a 21 years old. Well, I should be focusing on my job instead of this room. So, that's what I did. After doing my job in his room I went to each and everyone ones room even my father. Once I'm satisfied with the job I went in the kitchen for the final task. I saw the cooks still working on the dinner. I cannot do anything right now I have to wait so give my plan this final touch. I waited in the dining area for the dinner to be served. After 45 minutes or so the cooks set the table and left.

"This is my chance to do it." I quickly put some food in my plate and for rest of the food I mixed that powder. I was about to sit when I saw nonno and nana coming towards this direction. Holly muffins!!!! I forgot about them. So, I quickly got to them and stood in front of them to block their way.
"Why are you both here?"
"What you mean cara? We are hungry and it's time for dinner." Nana replied.
Shit..... shit..... shit..... what to do now!!!!
"No you can't be here. Nonno how can you forget it?"
"Bambina, what's wrong? And what did I forget?"
"You told me today that you both will be going on a date tonight."
"I did???"
"Yes, you did nonno." I said while giving him strange look so he could understand.
"Oh yes... yes.... I did. I'm so sorry I forgot."
"What.... Alford you could have told me before."
"I'm sorry, it just skipped my mind."
"It's okay now. We can go tomorrow. I'm really hungry now." By saying that she walked to the table and sat down. I turned towards nonno and spoke in hushed voice.
"Nonno... you can't eat that. Either make something for her or go out, please."
"Hazel, what's going on? Why do I have a feeling that something is up your sleeves."
"Yes, so please stop her from eating that food." I said while joining my both hands in front of him.
"Fine bambina, but do I really have to cook now?"
"You can go out."
"She won't go right now."
"Fine then I'll ask the cook to make something quick but you hold her from eating till then."
"Hehehe.... you are the best."
I quickly ran to the kitchen and told the chef to make something that will be quick to make for both of them. Even I helped him so we can make it quick. After 20 minutes we were ready with two more dishes just for them.

"Finally, I thought I'm gonna die with this hunger." Nonno complained.
"Sorry, I tried to make it as quick as possible. You guys should dig in and tell me how is it?"
Both of them took a bite. Nonno nodded his head after the bite and nana just moaned.
"That means it's good."
"It's delicious cara. Thank you."
"Your welcome."
We were half way through the dinner when all the boys came in the hall. They sat on their respective seats and started digging into their food. I kept my face very neutral. Though I was dying to look at them while they are eating but I held myself back.
"How was your day Hazel?"
I looked up to see everyone looking at me. Is that my supposed father who asked this question? I was a bit surprised. Let's not be rude right now and answer his question.
"Ummm... pretty good I guess."
"That's good."
"This beef is so good today don't you guys think?" Niccolo question.
"Yeah... I haven't eaten anything since afternoon. I'm still starving." Gabrielle stated.

Eat more you morons. Eat as much as you all want.
"Hazel....." Achille spoke.
"I was wondering..... I mean if you are free tomorrow.... can we go out?"
Why in the burning hell they are interested in talking to me today? Did they hit their head somewhere or what? I don't know what to say right now. So, I looked at nonno for some support which he immediately understood.
"Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Ummm... no we all are free tomorrow and day after tomorrow. So, we thought why not spend some time together."
Huh.... spend time.... my ass.... I definitely positive this is Santino's idea because he keep looking at him from time to time. Why am I getting angry?
"Really....!!!???" Edwaldo and Niccolo spoke together.
Sometimes I doubt that they are twins or something.
I continue eating my food so I can leave this table fast. I kept stuffing food in my mouth to the point that I started hiccupping. Before I could get my glass and fill it with water there was a glass in front of me within seconds. I looked up to see Santino holding it. At this point all I wanted was to stop these hiccups so I hurriedly took the water and drank it up.
"Slow down bambina, otherwise you might choke on it."
I don't know why but I listen to him for this. I was still drinking my water when Niccolo stood up and ran away from the room.
"What happened to him?" Achille questioned.
Before anyone could answer Edwaldo was the second person to ran away from the room with the speed of rocket.
Everyone was still confused on their behavior that this time our loving father got and said "shit....." and ran away as well followed by Gabrielle.

Why is Santino and Achille still here? It should be working on them too. I kept my face to confused look so they don't find it suspicious. My gaze fall on nonno and he smirked as if telling me he know what happened to them and how.
"Arlo I'm going to che..........." before he could say anything else he too stood up with the speed of light and head to hills.

"What is going on in my house?" Nana said worriedly. She got up and walked to the direction where all the boys went. I looked up at Santino and saw him still standing near me with one hand on my back. Why the hell is he still here? It should work on him too. Well, I think I don't have to wait anymore because our big wolf too headed to the direction of his destination.

This time I couldn't control myself and laughed. "I guess I know what happened to them cara." Nonno said in a teasing tone.
"Shhhh...... " I said while putting a finger on my lips.
He as well make a sign of zipping his mouth. He got up and said..... "I guess this is just a trailer?"
"I don't know what you talking about nonno." I said with an innocent smile.
"Hahahaha..... good night princess."
"Good night nonno."

Well it is definitely the trailer. Rest of the movie you will se tomorrow morning.

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