Chapter 61

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I know that some days I try to get up, but the curtains of my eyes won't let me

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I know that some days I try to get up, but the curtains of my eyes won't let me. However, now as I'm trying to open my eyes, it feels as if somebody have glued my eyes and I won't be able to open them.

After trying so hard, I was able to open my eyes and the first thing that I saw is my father who is looking at somewhere.
"Cara, thank God, you are awake....."
I looked at the person who is the owner of the voice. Gabrielle, looked at my face with a relief. Then I noticed that all my brothers, my father and my grandfather, they all are in my room but why? Then, as if my mind started playing those clips about the car about the explosion about us, jumping from the car. I immediately got up from the bed and launched towards Edwaldo and hugged the life out of him.
"Are you okay? Did you got hurt anywhere? Let me see. Did you got a check from the doctor?"
"Hold your horses Cara...." he said, while laughing.
I looked at his face to give him a look, which says I am not in a mood to joke right now.
"Fine..... fine..... I am alright and nothing happened see......" he said while giving a twirl. When I am was satisfied with my inspection, I asked him. "what about Marco? how is he? is he fine?"
"he's also fine cara." it was Santino replied this time. I looked at his face that I don't know what came into my mind, but I got very emotional and ran towards him to hug him. Maybe it was that all my emotions were hitting me right now as I am out of the shock but this at moment all I want him to do his hug me. I could feel someone hugging me from behind and then from left from right. I got confused so I I looked up, I could see all my brothers were hugging us all together.

I am happy. No not Happy. I am out of this world right now. I am with my brothers hugging them right now. I looked up with teary eyes and said,
"I..... I was so scared. I thought,.... I thought I'm going to die today. I didn't even spend proper time with all of you. I don't want to go so soon." Hearing my confession, everyone around the circle tightened their arms around us.
"Please don't let me die so soon." After this, I was full on crying. My tears were coming out of my eyes like Niagara Falls.

I could hear all my brothers, consoling me with sweet words but I was not able to stop it. I don't know after how long I stop crying. Breaking my hug, I looked up to see around me, that on my brothers add moisture in the eyes which indicated that they were also crying.

Then I looked towards the other side of the room to see nonno and my father both looking at us with a sad expression which is covering their smile. My father open his arms and a tan into his arms. He also hug me tightly and kept saying sweet words. Then I did the same with my nonno and nana.

After the sad part was over Nanna help my hand and pulled me towards my bed to sit on it, and that moment the cook came in with a try your food. Nana held it in her lap and asked me to open my mouth so that she can feed me. After she was done feeding, she asked me to get some rest and told everyone to get out of the room so that I can sleep a little get some more rest. Everybody left out of the room now before kissing my forehead and saying sweet words to me.

Now, that I am alone in my room, I started Recalling about past few hours. I know that being in the mafia somebody keep coming behind your life, but I never thought that I will be facing this situation so soon. If I want to live longer, I need to get myself together and start training.

With that thought in my mind my eyes started to doze off soon, and I was falling into deep slumber with one thought in my mind that I will not let this thing happen again with me. I will train hard and will not let anybody from now on take any advantage or any chance to hurt me.

Even though I promised myself, this, I didn't knew that soon I will be facing a situation where I don't even know that if my life loves to play games with me or God is testing me or it was something bad that I did in my past life and I am paying for those sins in this one.

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