Chapter 58

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There are days in your life when you feel that everything is going in a smooth pace and now you have a feeling that finally you can live the life that you have been dreaming for long time

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There are days in your life when you feel that everything is going in a smooth pace and now you have a feeling that finally you can live the life that you have been dreaming for long time. However, the minute you take your eyes off the road and boom. Now, the question is, is this boom a good one or a bad one?

It's been two days since that incident and to be honest everything is going smoothly. Santino and Achille didn't asked me again again about it and I'm glad because it's better for everyone if those memories stay hidden in the box. It won't do any good for anyone especially myself.

These past two days I've been more frank with Santino and Achille. We talk here and there either we talk on dining table or they come up to me in my room, I'm happy that they both are trying. I know everyone have noticed it but nobody pointed out maybe because they are happy with our progress. Even I'm happy with the progress between our bonding. At times, Gabrielle, Edwaldo and Niccolo invite me to there game room or other stuff they like to do.

Yesterday, we all went out to their favorite place for picnic and if I say that place was very beautiful it would be understatement

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Yesterday, we all went out to their favorite place for picnic and if I say that place was very beautiful it would be understatement. We all enjoyed our time together. However, today I'm a little nervous, I have a appointment with the doctor to check my arm. Hopefully it's healed because I'm really fed up with this plaster. I haven't told anyone about it yet and I really don't want to go alone especially when I'm having that same feeling about something getting wrong. It's been an hour since I got up but I really don't want to leave my warm bed. I sighed looking at the clock that show 7:36 am. I guess, I have to leave this warmth if I want to get out of this stupid plaster. So, with a heavy heart I got up from my bed to get ready for the day. I wore a simple outfit and pulled my hair up in a ponytail.

I got out of the room and went in the dining area to see everyone sitting

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I got out of the room and went in the dining area to see everyone sitting. I'm I really late today? That's new!
"Ah!! Finally the princess is here...." said the most annoying voice in the room that belongs to Niccolo. I ignored him and greeted everyone morning and sat on my seat.
"I'm sorry I didn't see the time today."
"It's fine cara, we just came in few minutes before you entered." Dad spoke.
"So, are you excited today?" Nana spoke.
I gave her a questioning look because so far my morning is fine.
"Don't tell me you forgot we have appointment with our doctor today for your arm." Santino said.
"Oh.... yeah I remember. I really want this thing out of my sight now." Everyone laughed at my reply.
"Principessa, I'm really sorry I won't be able to go with you we have an important meeting today so Edwaldo will go with you, okay?" He said in guilty tone.
"That's fine dad. You don't have to apologise for that I know your work is important too." I replied with a smile to with he smiled back.

I know I shouldn't ignore the feeling that I keep having so to be on safer side I decided to talk to Santino so we can go with some precautions. After our breakfast everyone got up and started walking towards their destinations to begin their day. I as well got up and went in Santino's office where he was collecting his files. I knocked on the door to get his attention. He didn't even looked up and said, "you can come in bambina." How did he know I was at the door!? I decided to leave this and talk about the real problem that I came in for.

"Umm.... are you free Santino? I wanted to talk to you." He left everything that he was doing and came towards me.
"What happened? Are you okay?"
"Yeah... I am but I don't know about later."
"What you mean?" He said holding my face and in worried expression.
"Can we take some guards with us or a bulletproof car with us or something?"
"What's going on?"
"I don't know how to explain it to you but whenever I have these intuitions about something getting wrong with me it always seems to happen in one way or another. So, I don't ignore them now."
"Hmm.... how about I go with you today?"
"No no no no, you don't have to leave the meeting I know it's important plus Edwaldo is going with me it's just that I want to make sure to go with some precautions."
"Nothing is more important than you my stellina. I'm sure dad and Gabrielle can handle the work."
"My grande fratello, I will be fine just send some guards with us."
He was quite for few seconds and then huffed "fine but let me call someone to go with you."
"Okay." I replied with a smile.

He called someone and told the person to come into his office.
"Also, can you please not tell it anyone I don't want everyone around my neck right now."
He gave me a look that say, are you serious.
"Please Santino, I'm not in mood to handle that much seriousness right now around me I'm already little jittery."
"Fine, but you will not go anywhere without the guards or Edwaldo. If anything happens call me right away even if you feels it just call me okay?"
"Yup..., I will."

We got interrupted with someone knocking on the door.
"Come in."
"Capo, you called?" He said in a monotonous voice.
"Marco you will be going with Hazel today and make sure she is back without a single scratch or you will not see the sun tomorrow." Santino's tone was deadly. It wasn't the one he use with me few minutes ago. This was some different person in front of me right now who leads Italian mafia. He could at least talk to him nicely, seriously who says like that?
So, as always I couldn't shut my mouth and gave a slap to the capo's arm to get his attention.
"What did I do?" He asked looking puzzled.
"You could've at least asked him nicely."
"He's use to it"
"I don't care"
"He knows me cara and I'm pretty sure he didn't mind at all, right Marco?
"Si capo"
I stared at both of them and decided to address Marco myself in much nicer ways.
"Marco, could you please go with me to the appointment so I can be home safe and sound?"
He was I guess speechless because the way he looked at me with those eyes that says it's been long that someone have been this polite to me. He just nodded but I decided to get him out of this trance
"Words Marco" I said coping Santino's tone.
"Si signora"
"Good, I'll meet you out" he bowed and started walking to the door.
"And Marco......." he turned around and looked at us "thank you for coming with me." He smiled and nodded and went on his way.

I turned to look at Santino to see him looking at me with pride and smirk on his face.
"You truly have the mafia blood in you."
"Aren't you late to the meeting?" I asked him with raised eyebrows.
"Shit.... yeah.... okay I'll see you when I'm done with work...okay ?" He asked while rushing to put the files in his bag.
"And Hazel, I repeat again call me if anything happens I mean anything okay?"
"Si capo." I said with a salute that made him laugh.
He hugged me and kissed my forehead and went out of his office to his way out.

I looked at my plaster and said in my mind let's get this thing out of my arm and come home safely, well hopefully.

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