Chapter 39

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"You should get some rest cara, we'll see you at dinner, sì?" "Yeah, nana is right Hazel, get some rest and by that time everyone will be back to normal

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"You should get some rest cara, we'll see you at dinner, sì?"
"Yeah, nana is right Hazel, get some rest and by that time everyone will be back to normal."
This was what they said before leaving me alone there. I was so messed up emotionally right now that I don't even remember myself getting up from the couch taking my laptop with me and entered the room. All I could think of was their reactions. I keep looking for some sort of explanation for all this drama that happened in the living room but couldn't find any answers.

If I were in their place and I found out that I have brothers, about whom I was not even aware of, how I would've reacted? Would I have been also angry or upset about something that already happened in past or I had said that I'm happy to have you all in my life. Or if I'd found that I have grandparents, would I be so distant towards them or would I be making promises to take care of them till my last breath, giving them the happiness that they missed for all these years. Or if I'd found that I have a father, would I be not even looking at him for once let alone talk to him or would I be happy that I at least have him.

When I found out that I may be related to them there was this small ray of hope in my heart that may be now I will have a family who will love me, welcome me in their life. I had this little bubble of joy that there is someone who will cherish me, take care of me. They knew it before I could tell them about my relationship with them, then why are they behaving like that. What is wrong here? Is it me that they want? Or is it something related to mother and their past? All these questions are suffocating me right now. At least my foster parents were better on first day. They almost had talked with me even though it was fake.

I looked out of the window in the dark night sky. You really did me dirty God. First, you took my mother from me, then you gave me those greedy bastards who didn't gave a fuck about me, then you took away the single person whom I loved the most. Then you thought let have some fun with her and gave me a real family. You know what is fun part here God? They didn't even acknowledged me till now. What more do you want to test me on? I think it will be good one if you bring a dead back to life. May be then you'll fell satisfied when I'll be completely gone insane.

Someone knocked on the door and stopped my thoughts from running. I opened the door and saw one of the helpers standing there.
"I'm sorry to disturb you but the dinner is ready."
At first I thought of declining her but then I thought may be everything will be fine now. May be now, they will talk about us. I gave myself some hope again and told her that I will be there in few minutes. After closing the door, I immediately went to washroom and washed my face to erase any signs of crying. I smiled looking myself in the mirror and went out with hope again.

As I walked to the dining room my heart is beating so fast that I afraid someone might hear it. I went inside the dining room to see only Lorenzo, nana and Niccolo sitting. I got the table and sat on one of the empty chairs. Nana looked at me and smiled, "others will be here soon, we all can start eating." I nodded my head and filled my plate with little pasta and a slice of toast. After some time nonno entered the room and sat on his place. Without saying anything other than sorry for being late, he started eating too. I was eating too slow so that all of them can get here and eat and then may be talk to me. But I guess I was in dilution which soon broke. Even after 30 minutes no one else entered the room and no one said anything else except asking for pass on the food. I was back to square one with emotions again. One by one everyone left the room saying good night. It was just Lorenzo and I in here.
"Are you okay?" He asked
I couldn't say anything, I didn't even want to reply him so without say anything I left the room and went outside the house in the front. I looked up in the sky and again complained to God, "I guess you are really have fun."
Lorenzo followed me out "who are you talking with Hazel?"
"No one"
"You didn't reply?"
"Reply what?"
"I asked you, if you are okay?"
"How do I look like?"
"Not at all okay."
"Then may be I'm not."
"You know you can talk to me, right?"
"Talk about what?"
"I know this whole thing is affecting you a lot. It's good to take out what's in your heart."
"I don't want to talk. Just leave me alone."

He didn't said anything but took my hand, which got me surprised, and dragged me to his car.
"Lorenzo, I really don't want to go anywhere. Please, just let me go back to my room."
"And do what? Cry? Just shut your mouth and sit inside." He said while opening the passenger door for me. I was not in mood to argue on anything so I just sat in and he closed the door and then came in to sat on his side of the car.

We both were quite for whole ride. After about 40 minutes or so he parked the car near a lake. It was beautiful here with moonlight reflecting on the lake water. It was so quiet too.
"I was 10 when I found out that my parents were actually planning to flee away from our home because they owed a lot of money to some people. That day I was left with my two siblings to take care of them. I managed to get here and I was in luck that nonno found me living near a dumpster with Isa and Val. Otherwise we all would have died of hunger and cold in few days."
"Have you seen your parents after that day?"
"No, but all I know is that they both died in an accident few years ago."
"Does your siblings know about all this?"
"Yes, I didn't want to hide anything from them and neither they do."
"I happy that you all are there for each other."
"Hazel, I'm here for you as well. You have gone through soo much till now and no one was by your side. But you can accept me as your brother too. For me you are just like my Iso." He said it holding my hand.
"I did had someone who was like my big brother when I was in orphanage but he died. Well, that's what they told me. Then I came here, I thought now I can start fresh, but God think my life is so boring, let's have some fun and bring back her family."
"Isn't it a good thing?"
"My family is making me believe otherwise."
"Hazel, they are happy to have you in their life. I've seen it in their eyes. I saw their face that day when they found about you, all of them were so happy."
"Then what happened now? Why all I can feel is they are not happy with me being their blood. Is it something in from past they are upset about? Because I can't get a single clue on the situation and why are they treating me like a shit."
"Hazel, you know it's not like that."
"Lorenzo, I never had a chance to know what it's like to live with a real family where people are not greedy, angry all the time or high all the time. I thought, finally I will know what it's like to be loved. But, this whole thing has made me believe that I was never born to be loved at all. Now, I really wish I had died that day."
"What are you talking about?
"Nothing, we should go back now. I don't want them to start a new reason to ignore me or hate me. I have enough on my plate for now."
"Hazel, they don't hate you. They are just trying to process this whole thing."

When he said that I couldn't control my from leashing my anger on him. And with anger came out my tears and all the feelings that were hidden deep in my heart.

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