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"I cannot bare to see one go hungry." The man smiled. I could tell that he was quite the number of summers older than me but not yet close to greying due to the matureness of his handsome features.

"I... Um." I was at a loss for words as I gapped at both his beauty and the smell of the divine fresh bread.

"Take it." He pushed it slowly against my chest as he walked past making his way off in a carefree manner.

"Thank you! " I called as I swung my head around to face his retreating form. My ears were tinged pink in embarrassment.

I heard him laugh as he lifted a hand to give a soft wave not even turning back as he rounded the corner.

I smiled to myself, glad to see that there was still kindness left in this miserable world.

I had gobbled the bread up like an like an absolute pig. I had not released exactly to what extent my hunger was until its softness touched my lips. It was gone within seconds.

I was still hungry but was satisfied enough with the small meal to be content for the next few hours.

I spent the rest of the day wandering about the streets and eventually found myself sitting on the edge of a low lying bridge with my feet dipped in the soothingly cold water.

I was watching the fish swim about while my mind was shrouded in thoughts. There were many worries and challenges that I needed to face.

My next meal concerned me. I wondered if the scraps from my wedding dress would be enough to cover it after my recent unfortunate discovery.

I frowned. I just hoped that they were feeding Rourke properly and that he was receiving the treatment that he needed.

My mistreatment was nothing if it meant my brother would be okay. I could do this. If it was for Rourke, I would do anything.

I missed him. It had not even been two days since I had last seen him but it felt like an eternity.

I wanted to write to him but the limitations that Lady Faintree had put in place had me in second thoughts.

I had nothing to write to him about that would not make him worry and I most certainly did not wish to lie to him so I decided that I would save the moment to put ink to paper for a few days from now.

I watched the as the little minnows began to nibble at my toes. It was ticklish and I could not help but smile.

I looked up at the sky beginning to fill with warm hues of yellows and oranges and I knew that it was time for me to leave and get back to the Waisend Manor.

The walk was shorter than I had hoped as within a few moments I had found myself standing before the large iron gates facing the two guards on duty once again. I fortunate that they were the same as I was let in without a fuss nor even given a second glance.

When I stepped foot into the Manor, I was almost knocked right over, there were servants frantically bustling about left and right carrying all sorts of things.

What was going on?

As I continued making my way through the halls, the actions of the servants never ceased. When I tried to ask what was going on, I was completely ignored.

Letting out a sigh, I chose to not let it bother me and try my luck again at the kitchens. I lifted up my nose telling myself to be more persistent this time and not let that head chef turn me away again.

It was most unfortunate that my journey had not amounted to anything for when I arrived, the kitchens were empty. There was not a soul in sight nor a trace of food to be found. It looked like everything had been packed up and cleaned. 

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