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My eyes shot to the man who startled me. He wore loose attire, but his sword and boots gave clear indication that he was a knight, a very intimidating knight at that.

"Who are you?" He questioned, his hand resting what appeared to be loosely against the hilt of his sword, but I knew he could swing it at any given moment.

"I am the new Duchess." I could not help but frown.

"Tell me the truth." He ordered not believing me.

"But I am the Duchess. I married the Duke back in the capital just a few days ago." I scrunched my eyebrows.


I was unaware that the knight before me had heard rumours of my nasty appearance and nature. I was also unaware that he had been on duty at the wedding and seen my ridiculous and over the top dress and accessories so had come to the conclusion that that was what I was like.

"How so?" I questioned.

"You are too beautiful to be that woman and you certainly do not dress like a duchess." The man spoke without thinking and then blushed in embarrassment at his words and momentarily looked away to recompose himself.

I looked down at my clothes. I suppose he was right; I certainly do not dress like a duchess would. I look more like a common girl if anything.

"That woman..." I mumbled, "I do not know what you may have heard about me nor assumed but I am definitely the Duchess of Waisend." I looked up at him meeting his gaze.

The knight just stood still analysing my features, "Prove it." 


"Tell me something only the Duchess would know." 

I frowned. I did not know how he expected me to reply to that.

"I do not know what to tell you," I looked away for a moment, "Perhaps how I only became Duchess because this marriage was arranged?"

"That is common knowledge." The knight frowned.

"The capital Waisend residence has a beautiful painting of a snowy mountain with a dark and clouded sky..." I recalled the some of the paintings that I had caught glimpses of along the walls.

The knight tilted his head at me, "To vague."

"The painting hangs over the stairs leading to the west corridor, is that enough?" I looked him straight in the eyes not hiding my annoyance.

The corners of his lips twitched in amusement as his grip loosened on his sword.

"I believe you Duchess." I could almost hear the laugh in his voice.

"And who are you might I asked?" I narrowed my eyes unhappy with his reaction.

"Ah, I must apologise for not introducing myself sooner. I am the Captain of the Waisend knights, Vaughn Smitt, your grace." He gave a playful bow. 

He seemed like a completely different man. His demeanour was more playful and relaxed compared to a few moments ago.

I rolled my eyes and turned on my heels. I was in no mood to deal with this man anymore.

"You are nothing like they say you are." Vaughn smiled under his breath once I was out of sight. 

By the time I had made my way back to my room, the manor had come to life as servants began to bustle about with their duties and tasks. 

I tried to get the attention of a few, but it was to no avail. I was treated as if I were non-existent.

I was beyond frustrated, but I would not give up. I tried blocking the path of a few young maids, but they still managed to push past and ignore me. 

Before I could think any more of it, a throat cleared behind me. I spun around half relieved that someone had chosen to acknowledge me and met the unhappy eyes of a young servant. In his hands rested an envelope with the clear insignia of the Faintree crest. 

I hearted pounded at the sight. Was it from Rourke? Had he written to me first? 

 The servant looked annoyed as he handed me the letter before turning around and scurrying off with the most hideous scowl on his face.

I could not care less about his actions and instead my mind was solely focussed on the letter before me. I wasted no time in opening it desperate to reveal its hidden contents.

I did not realise I was even holding my breath as my eyes absorbed all its words.


The cost of your brother's medication has increased. Now that you are Duchess you are required to contribute towards this fee. If you refuse, I am afraid we can no longer treat him. I expect the first payment by the time of the next new moon.

-Lady Faintree of house Faintree.

The letter fell to my feet as I slammed my hand against the wall. I could not believe her.

I glanced down at the amount that she demanded at the bottom of the letter. It was outrageous. There is no way I could afford to pay it.

I wish that I could just take Rourke and head far away to another place where no one could ever bother us. 

Unfortunately, I could not. Not in my current predicament and as much as I hate to admit it, my brother was better off with the Faintree's where he could receive the proper treatment for his condition. 

My chest ached at the thought as I reached down for the letter. I would do anything for my brother, and I would get through this. I would find a way.

I lifted my nose finding my resolve. I would not let this break me; I have to be strong for Rourke.

It was not long until I found myself at the front gates of the Waisend estate. The guards did not even bat an eyelid as they let me pass and begin my decent down the hill to the beautiful town below.

I clutched onto the strap of my recently found satchel tightly. My hideous wedding dress and accessories proved to be quite heavy as they lay scrunched up inside. I just hoped that they would fetch a fair price to at least cover some of the Lady Faintree's demands and possibly fetch me a bite to eat while I searched for work.

I did not even bother to ask for help from the Waisend manor; I knew that I would receive none and even on the low chance that I did receive help, I would hate to be in debt to the duke. We disliked each other enough already.

I pushed onwards towards the town forcing myself to put on a friendly and kind smile and not let my worries show. I needed to be confident and willing if I wanted to sell my dress and find some work in order to support Rourke.

I can do this.

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