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I was fortunate to be met with some success regarding the dress and accessories but hunting for work proved a far greater challenge.

Most places turned me down for lack of skills or experience or simply told me off for being a lady.

By the time midday had struck, I found myself frustrated and desperate as I sat on the steps leading to the docks.

I watched in thought as the ships swayed and creaked to the gentle waves while the seagulls squabbled and cawed at scraps that the sailors chucked out.

I did not know what I was going to do.

The weight of the few coins in my satchel reminded me of how I had barely enough to even make a dent to the amount that I owed. I had spent a few coins earlier much to my regret on the cheapest bit of food that I money could buy. It was enough to temporarily fill the hole but now I wished that I had not.

The strong whinny and hooves hitting wood then stone of a powerful horse interrupted my thoughts. My eyes were drawn to the beast. Its glossy coat glinted in the sun as two sailors led it off the ship.

Truly a beautiful animal.

It whinnied again as it stood up tall before lifting its tail and defecating on the street. The sailors seemed unbothered and guided the animal in the nearest stable.

Someone ought to clean that up before the owner faces a fine.

It was not long until a carriage went by hitting it dead on and spreading it in a thin line across the street.

Slowly I got up with the intention of leaving when a short rather plump man pushed his way past me. He had a determined look on his face as his eyes were fixed on the docks ahead.

I recognised him from earlier as one of the many who had out right rejected my application for a job.

I watched mildly amused as the man walked in the horse's poo and began using all sorts of colourful profanities.

As if sensing my eyes, he looked up at me glaring before suddenly his eyes lit up and a sly smile formed on his lips.

"You there!" He bellowed, his short legs carrying him quickly towards me, "You still looking for a job?"

I slowly nodded not quite sure where this was going. The man before me held a post in town as a secretary to the dockmaster. He is a busy little fellow with quite the rough temperament.

"Good. It seems I have found the perfect one for you."

I tilted my head slightly at his words waiting for him to continue and elaborate his on his words.

"You see this mess," He pointed behind him, "Everyday it gets bad especially around the docks and I cannot catch all the buggers to fine them in time for it. We are short of hands enough as it is to spare a moment to clean it up every time something like this happens. It gives the town a bad image which in turn makes the kingdom look bad you know." The man huffed.

"I -" He interrupted me before I could even let out another word.

"If you are so desperate, the job is yours." He gave me a once over, "Unless a lady such as yourself would not dare get her hands dirty."

"I will take it." I did not even hesitate. I needed the money.

"Good, you start immediately." The man smiled and asked me to follow him listing all my duties and the other important things.

It was not long before I was shovelling and sweeping away. The smell had been hard on my sensitive nose but before long I had gotten used to it.

I continuously reminded myself that I was doing this for Rourke. It was all for him.

The sun was beginning to set when I finally placed all the tools back where they belong. I wiped the sweat off my brow with my hand noting how filthy I looked and probably smelled too.

The sectary scrunched his nose when he gave me my pay before slamming the door in my face. I rolled my eyes placing the coins in my satchel. It was not a lot, but it was definitely something.

As I was making my way through the streets with the intent of heading back up to the Waisend estate, I overheard whispering.

My eyes slowly travelled over to the two girls ahead of me. They were in uniform, a clear indication that they attended the famous finishing school that was merely a few streets over.

"I heard the new Duchess is so cruel to the staff of the estate." One girl frowned, "Apparently she gives them outrageous orders and when they fail to do them, she has them beaten."

Her friend scowled, "How awful. I cannot believe Duke Cassius married such a horrid woman."

"You don't know?" The girl looked at her friend surprised, "That evil woman tricked him."

Her friend's eyes widened.

"I also believe she is also hideous to look at. They say on their wedding day, the duke would not let her remove her veil in embarrassment." She continued.

I frowned. Those words hurt but it was true, Cassius had frowned when he lifted the veil and then had me hide my face behind it for the rest of the night.

I could not bear to listen to the slander anymore. As much as I pretended that it did not hurt, it did.

I hate myself so much for letting it get to me.

Pushing forward I crossed the street and headed up the hill.

The walk was long, but I pushed onwards.

The guards at the gate let me pass without much of a hassle. I did however receive clear looks of disgust as they caught wind of my stench.

I could not help but smile at their clear dissatisfaction.

By the time I had bathed and gotten ready for bed, I felt half dead. I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

The next day was rough. I was stiff and sore from the previous day, and I had barely allowed myself to spend money on a few mouthfuls of food. The scorching sun was no help either.

My wheelbarrow was beginning to get full, and I knew it was time to empty it as I slowly pushed it through the docks. I almost scowled when I noticed fresh livestock waste littering the street just before me.

Frustratedly, I scooped it up. I had intended to chuck it into the wheelbarrow, but I accidentally used more force than planned.

It went flying through the air at quite the speed before hitting someone.

My eyes widened in embarrassment as I rushed over to the man to apologise for my actions.

"I am so terribly sorry. Please let me clean your coat for you." I gushed out while looking at the mess as he began to turn.

He was well dressed and clearly a noble.

I paled at the observation. This could be expensive.

My eyes pulled away from the mark and made their way up his well-built tall form and onto his face.

My embarrassment washed away in less than a second once I realised who it was, and I allowed an unhappy frown to grace my dry lips.

Cassius Waisend.

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