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"Ruth, I want to go outside. I'm tired of being couped up in this room all the time." A twelve year old Rourke crossed his arms.

"You know you cannot do that, what if something happens?" I frowned.

"Nothing will."

"I am sorry, I cannot risk it. Not while you are sick. Wait until you are better." I tried to reason.

"What if I do not get better, does that mean I'm going to have to live the rest of my life cooped up in my room?"

My heart ached at his question.

"No, I would never allow that."

My eyes suddenly opened. The first thing that I noticed were the soft embers drifting through the blue sky above.

I let out a groan in pain as I forced myself to sit up. Immediately I could feel the layer of now hardened mud stuck to me as it began to crack and break with the movement. Miraculously I was still alive and no longer cold.

The fallen tree next to me was still smoldering. Its once white wood now a darkened black. I could still feel some of the warmth emitting from the remaining coals. 

I could feel the now obvious bruising as I lifted myself to my feet. I tried to ignore the pain as I began to walk. 

No matter what happens I need to get to Rourke. I need to see my brother.

My pace was a lot slower now that I lacked a mighty steed to carry me. I had no idea how far I still needed to go but I pushed on. 

Not even a minute later, I heard the thundering sound of hooves approaching. It sounded like quite a few horses moving quickly and I was correct as within seconds I could see the silver armor of what appeared to be six knights.

I tried to wave them down but it seemed like they were not going to stop so instinctively I moved out of the way not wanting to be trampled. They bolted passed me completely ignoring me. It was as if they did not even see me. 

I let out a sigh as I watched them disappear into the distance. Perhaps I was cursed. Unbeknownst to me at the  time, those were Waisend knights and amongst them was the Duke of Waisend.

I was a lot closer to the capital than I originally assumed. I reached the outskirts around the early afternoon. It became busier the closer I got and I started receiving odd looks from passersby. Suddenly feeling self-conscious, I rushed over to a nearby stream and gazed at my reflection.

I was a quite the sight. My hair was all tangled and riddled with leaves, my face was filthy and covered in mud not to mention the state of my clothing. My cheeks tinged red in embarrassment.

I cupped some water into my hands and brought it to my face. I tried to clean myself up as best that I could. I ran my fingers through my hair to try and tame it and tried my hardest to get the dried mud off my clothes.

I still looked awful but I was a lot more presentable now. Content with my efforts, I began to make my way to the Faintree manor weaving my way through the streets. When I reached the familiar building my heart began to pound as unhappy memories began to flood my mind but the reminder that my brother was behind those walls pushed me onwards. 

A servant answered the door with a kind smile that was quickly dropped once she saw my appearance. "What are you doing here?" She scoffed.

"I'm here to see Rourke." I replied calmly.

"Has Lady Faintree permitted it?"

"I am the Duchess of Waisend, surely I am allowed to see my brother whenever I wish?" I gave a petty smile. This title of mine might as well be put to good use.

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