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One against two was not the most ideal odds for me but I did not let that stop me from aiming for Flora's nose.

It was most unfortunate that she managed to dodge but she was still too slow as my fist collided with her cheek.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" Susan yelled as she pushed me away from a now shocked and upset Flora who was desperately clutching her cheek.

"How dare you!?" I pushed her back. I was completely livid by this point.

"You punched me!" Flora screeched.

"You have no fucking right!" I spat. I did not care any more. I was ready to let everything all out.

"Quick grab her!" Susan barked out and before I could even react, Flora tackled me to the ground with strength that I did not even know that she was capable of.

I hit the grass with a heavy thud as the wind was knocked right out of me. I did not even have a moment to react when a sharp heeled shoe planted itself deep in my side as Susan kicked me.

Flora pushed herself off me and slapped her bare hand hard across my face. My skin instantly began to burn.

"You bitch!" Flora shouted. "You have the audacity to call yourself a Duchess! What a disgrace!"

I managed to catch her off guard as I shoved her away. I was then quick enough to grab Susan's foot and pull her towards me causing her to stumble and land on her bottom.

I took that moment to rise to my feet and began catching my breath. My fist was ready and waiting as I dared the pathetic ladies before me to try anything more, "I do not care what you think of me. I can handle the slander and the ridicule, but today you crossed the line with my brother. He is so much better than filth like you." I spat and began patting down my dress still glaring daggers at them.

Susan and Flora both looked at me with wide eyes as I stood above them. I could see Flora's mouth begin to open as if she were about to say something but almost immediately shut again as her gaze fell onto something over my shoulder.


My blood ran cold as I immediately recognised the voice behind me. I dared not turn around.

Why now?

Why here?

I really did not want to face him. In fact he was the last person I wanted to see.

I sharply inhaled through my nose trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever I would be faced with once I turned around to face him.

Cassius Waisend.

"Your Grace!" Lady Flora called out as she quickly stood up, her ears tinged red. Lady Susan was quick to follow as they both curtsied before him.

"Forgive us, your Grace." Susan kept her head down, "We were only trying to talk to her."

"It is the truth. I do not know why she lifted a hand against us." Flora pretended to be frightened as she shot a glance to me and held her hand to her cheek in a pathetic act of pretending to hide her cheek.

"You -" I began, anger seeping into my veins before I was cut off.

"Did you?" He was voice was cold and emotionless chilling me to the bone.

I bit my tongue trying desperately to hold myself back while finding the correct words to prevent this situation from getting any worse.

"So what if I did?" I let it slip out almost instantly regretting those words as they did. My shoulders tensed as the anger still dwelled deep within me.

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